

I'm David.

I was diagnosed with Aspergers in 2011. I undertook therapy in 2013 for about three and a half years and this made such a difference to me. I'm in full-time employment with a local authority in London.

My interests are:

  • Learning and understanding more about aspergers
  • Writing poems and shorts stories
  • Reading - Fiction and non-fiction
  • Cinema / film
  • Riding my bike
  • Sports (Cricket, Cycling, Football, Rugby League, Speedway, MotoGP)
  • Origami (although I don't do much folding nowadays)


  • Hello and welcome! feel free to join in discussions on the forum.  I also like riding my bike. It's become like a member of the family I couldn't do without. Do you go on long recreational rides or do you use it as transport  (or both)?  

  • Both. Until I discovered reading on the bus, I cycled to work for about 10 years.

    In the past I've taken bike holidays, mostly in France. They are really a fantastic way to see places.

    I've also done long rides in the UK - Night rides to the coast from London, Dunwich Dynamo, and just generally going out into the countryside.

  • Snap! I cycled in France and Italy back in the days when travelling and "unnecessary journeys" were allowed. I am not so good on hills because it's flat where I live so i can't train for them. I was planning some more cycling this year which I guess won't be possible.  But you can get quite far with a 1 hour exercise allowance. I am using a route with as few traffic lights as possible where I can really go for it for 30 minutes in one direction then back home again.  I miss the countryside rides at the moment. 

  • I'm currently working from home (WFH) and have been going out for a daily bike ride *everyday* at some point, usually about 40-50mins, with some climbs too. Just on a hybrid, which isn't the lightest of bikes, so it does give me a reasonable workout.

  • I'm currently working from home (WFH) and have been going out for a daily bike ride *everyday* at some point, usually about 40-50mins, with some climbs too. Just on a hybrid, which isn't the lightest of bikes, so it does give me a reasonable workout.

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