Mother of highfunctioning ASD daughter diagnosed at 17

Hello. We are a family from Japan (my husband, me, two children).

My eldest was diagnosed that she has high-functioning autism at age 17. She had problems at school, stopped going to highschool after some hard experiencecs.

She has had depression and sleeping disorder but her condition got better after her future plan was sorted out (take a one year leave from the school, pass the university entrance qualification exam during the leave then quit the highschool). 

Her condition is good today. She wakes up regularly and washes often which she could not before. We keep going to her psychiatrist and get necessary medication just in case. 

I am happy to take care of her and give her support, but I also hope to meet friends to share information and maybe discuss topics on how to cope with problems. 

Thank you for reading! 

Parents Reply Children
  • Thank you for your reply. Actually, my daughter's most pressing problem is that she is does not want to see a darmatologist though she needs medication from there. She has atopy.The last time she saw a skin doctor was last year. She had bad experience then (the doctor thoroughly checked her skin on her body and she hated it, although I had told the receptionist that she needed mild way of treating). I buy her over-the-counter medicine but it costs high.