Introducing myself (and wondering if anyone's son plays 'Sea of Thieves'? My 12 year-old son is looking for shipmates!)

Hello everyone,

My wife and I have 2 sons aged 12 and 9.  Our eldest son was diagnosed with Autism last year (Aspergers-type, although I know those labels aren't used anymore).  He also has severe OCD and is in his follow-up year of treatment at the Michael Rutter Centre (Maudsley Hospital); he is currently in a phase of relapse and not fighting OCD very much at all.  Our main goal at the moment is to try and raise his sense of well-being and do something positive each day (other than being glued to his tablet!).  His current fixation is with the XBOX ONE/PC game 'Sea of Thieves', but he's not finding a lot of  success because you need on-line crew mates who will help you to man the ship.  We don't let him talk to strangers on-line, and we wouldn't want him to hear any swearing or name-calling from his shipmates as this adversely effects him (and is the reason he has not been able attend his ESMH since December last year - we were in the process of seeking a change of placement to an ASC specialist school when the lock-down began).  Anyway - long ramble!  Does any of this make sense????    Looking forward to joining this on-line forum to find other people who understand what it's like living with ASC/OCD.       Keep well everyone.  PapaBear.  [not my real name!] Slight smile

  • Hi. I realise this is 3 years old but I am desperate. I am looking for gamers to play sea of thieves with my son(14). He is so frustrated, sad and just needs some like minded people to play on line with. Did you guys manage to link up online? Best regards

  • Hi. I realise this is 3 years old but I am desperate. I am looking for gamers to play sea of thieves with my son(14). He is so frustrated, sad and just needs some like minded people to play on line with. Did you guys manage to link up online? Best regards

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