Salutations! (Hello)

I am a new poster. I have been reading these message boards for a while. I thought I should say hello. I was diagnosed as an adult. I am learning how to be a self advocate. I am unemployed. I am positive about my diagnosis, although I am often frustrated by the persistance of misunderstanding. I am better at writing than I am at speaking. It's a worrying time right now, but I'm hopeful. At least we're not expected to mingle at the moment. There are some pros for autistics who prefer their own company, such as I. My best friend is a teddy bear called Growly and I have several more cuddly friends. I live with my parents. I wish the world was a kinder place. It's a weird time right now. That's why I thought I would hold out my paw. I'm usually nervous about sharing information on the internet, but this seems a friendly place.

  • Welcome to the forums,

    Oh yes, they're a friendly bunch around here, and I think most of us will share your frustration with the persistent misundersandings about autism and our behaviour (usually we're more often misunderstood than the ones doing the misunderstanding in my experience). And I sure know what you mean about finding writing an easier way to express myself - I doubt that anyone could guess what a fumbly, mumbly speaker I am from what I post here!

    Best wishes to you, Growly, and your cuddly friends.

  • Welcome to the forums,

    Oh yes, they're a friendly bunch around here, and I think most of us will share your frustration with the persistent misundersandings about autism and our behaviour (usually we're more often misunderstood than the ones doing the misunderstanding in my experience). And I sure know what you mean about finding writing an easier way to express myself - I doubt that anyone could guess what a fumbly, mumbly speaker I am from what I post here!

    Best wishes to you, Growly, and your cuddly friends.

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