Newly diagnosed, mixture of emotions..

Hi all, 

Im new here although i have previously had a look around the site. Im a 26 year old female who got diagnosed with ASD, ADHD, GAD, social anxiety and OCD nearly 2 weeks ago. 

Im feeling a little lost and would really appreciate your support, guidance, strategies etc. Or any tips you have learnt. Ive done my own research but still getting to terms with it all. 

Currently trying to understand the person 'behind the mask' as i call it. Years of masking has led me to not know who i truly am. With my new findings i can now attempt to discover my true self but knowing where to start is hard. 

Things i love:

-Animals, of every kind. Particularly those that can be handled and petted.

- Reading (although this can be a challenge)

- Watching documentaries 

- Learning about psychology, evolution and theories

- Listening to music

- Make up and hair

I would love to hear from you all, hear your stories, hear your passions and dislikes, your coping strategies, your research.

I look forward to hearing from you all. 

K x