Daughter diagnosed with ASD ans ADHD

Hi all,

After a nearly 3 year wait for assessment my 7 year old daughter was diagnosed this week. The ASD we were pretty sure on but there is always a little bit of doubt however the ADHD came as a bit of a shock! (even more so when I did not realise they would be looking for both!) Having heard other peoples experience of the local neuro team I was fully prepared to be told she either did not meet the criteria or to come back in a few months instead we were told many of the cases are borderline but hers was not. We were sent away with two envelopes and that was that! 

I am not sure how I feel about it all to finally be able to say she is autistic it does not really change anything.

Waiting for the report now and wondering if she would benefit from medication it was not mentioned when they told us the diagnosis but not much was. I am going to have to do some reading up on ADHD I put my daughters issues down to the sensory issues she is noted of having so it never really crossed my mind.

I feel like after years of fighting we have finally got somewhere in the last few months she has been diagnosed with constipation and under the incontinence clinic, seen the sensory OT, I got the statement I applied for and finally this week she got her diagnosis.

How did everyone else feel after diagnosis and where did you go for support and information? We have a few local autism charitys which offer parent support and sibling groups for those on the waiting list or those without diagnosis and I would be lost without them!

  • Hi NAS66345,

    If you're looking for support and information following your daughter's ASD and ADHD diagnoses, you might want to have a look at the page on ADHD here on the NAS site: https://www.autism.org.uk/about/what-is/related-conditions/adhd.aspx - we have information on treatment, medication, therapy and child and adult support services for people with autism and ADHD, as well as links to ADHD-specific external organisations like ADDISS, Young Minds and the ADHD Foundation which might be of help to you.

    Hope this is of some use,
    Ross - mod

  • Hi NAS66345,

    If you're looking for support and information following your daughter's ASD and ADHD diagnoses, you might want to have a look at the page on ADHD here on the NAS site: https://www.autism.org.uk/about/what-is/related-conditions/adhd.aspx - we have information on treatment, medication, therapy and child and adult support services for people with autism and ADHD, as well as links to ADHD-specific external organisations like ADDISS, Young Minds and the ADHD Foundation which might be of help to you.

    Hope this is of some use,
    Ross - mod

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