Hi there.

  • Hello everyone. This is a very big step for me reaching out after nearly 40 years of feeling isolated and different. 
    I am currently awaiting a formal assessment for what was Aspergers after being referred by my gp as recent events in my life means I have been struggling to cope. 
    I’ve never been a social person and have very obsessive interests which I was bullied at school for but still pursued them. 
    I remember the most random information so specifically eg reg plates and car information but can’t remember my parents anniversary or my best mates birthday! 
    Not sure what else to say as don’t wanna ramble on but feeling very isolated and feel people just don’t understand how I view things and hoping there are people who understand how I feel out there so maybe I can start trying to get out this hole I feel I am in. 
  • Hello! I have felt isolated for over 40 years so you are definitely not alone - if that's not a contradiction in terms! Funny that you mention birthdays, there are a couple in my immediate family that I can never remember. I always try to forget my own actually!

  • I’m getting that way now lol.  But it’s one of the reasons I did the test online as I can reel off reg numbers of the tractors on our old farm without hesitation. We left over 20 years ago.. 
    My parent wedding anniversary and my best mates birthday dates elude me to this day. I’ve just about remembered the month. 
    I also have real issues with short term memory. If someone asks me to get summit from Asda the minute I leave house it’s gone and I may remember I gotta get summit when I am there but for the life if me I won’t remember what. 

    Putting things down then having issues finding it again is also a good one. It’s right in front of me but can’t see it lol. 

  • I’m getting that way now lol.  But it’s one of the reasons I did the test online as I can reel off reg numbers of the tractors on our old farm without hesitation. We left over 20 years ago.. 
    My parent wedding anniversary and my best mates birthday dates elude me to this day. I’ve just about remembered the month. 
    I also have real issues with short term memory. If someone asks me to get summit from Asda the minute I leave house it’s gone and I may remember I gotta get summit when I am there but for the life if me I won’t remember what. 

    Putting things down then having issues finding it again is also a good one. It’s right in front of me but can’t see it lol. 

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