Hi there.

  • Hello everyone. This is a very big step for me reaching out after nearly 40 years of feeling isolated and different. 
    I am currently awaiting a formal assessment for what was Aspergers after being referred by my gp as recent events in my life means I have been struggling to cope. 
    I’ve never been a social person and have very obsessive interests which I was bullied at school for but still pursued them. 
    I remember the most random information so specifically eg reg plates and car information but can’t remember my parents anniversary or my best mates birthday! 
    Not sure what else to say as don’t wanna ramble on but feeling very isolated and feel people just don’t understand how I view things and hoping there are people who understand how I feel out there so maybe I can start trying to get out this hole I feel I am in. 
  • Hello, welcome. Thanks for your intro. I was diagnosed last year and yes it's a long wait filled with a lot of self interrogation and introspection. I don't know why I went ahead with the diagnosis, because it hasn't led to anything tangible, but at least I know I'm a member of a big and diverse club and this is my lifelong condition.

    You can shout for help here too, or just join in something that fits your mood. 

  • Hi. I think part of the reason of wanting an official diagnosis is I want to try to control melting down and let’s just say breaking things and swearing( not proud) as people constantly have a go at me when I am in full swing (not realising that fuels the fire...)  . I find myself unable to control what I say or do and nobody can get me out of it until it happens naturally. 
    The more I hear and research bout Aspergers/ASD a lot of my life starts making sense. 
    wasn’t highlighted much as a kid as lived on a farm in middle of nowhere so didn’t have the social interaction to react to. 
    Moving was a hell of a culture shock and hated it. Without realising it I masked a lot to overcome my differences but never socialised as never could hold a conversation with anyone. 

  • Makes sense, and gives a kind of foundation to work on. I also moved to an area where I knew almost no-one, 12 years ago. I think it was way more damaging than I realised. I think I've lived on adrenaline without knowing.

    Do you feel as though you look back on your whole life through a new lens? 

  • Lol. I studied the titanic in my teenage years and read every book and watched every dvd I could find. And can reel off all reg numbers of the tractors on the farm

  • I suddenly realised why I read all our family's encyclopaedias, lol

  • Yes. Right down to knowing car make and models and remembering reg numbers as a kid and having very acute, obsessive and specific interests. 
    Even now if I buy a car I will research all possible information before I get the car so I know all possible reliability issues or options etc. 

  • Yes. Right down to knowing car make and models and remembering reg numbers as a kid and having very acute, obsessive and specific interests. 
    Even now if I buy a car I will research all possible information before I get the car so I know all possible reliability issues or options etc. 
