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Hi all my name is jen and I've just joined this group abit about my background I have 5 beautiful children 1 girl and 4 boys and my youngest son is showing alot of signs for autism were waiting for an autism assessment

My little boy is 2 and a half years old and I know getting a diagnosis at an early age is good but I do worry about how he will manage when the time comes for him to go to mainstream school

Would a special school be better for him? How do I explain to he's older siblings why he can't go to the same school they do and if he does go to a special school I'm going to miss out on taking him and picking him up every day

Thanks for reading my thoughts and fears that I have as a parent I know I'm not the only parent who's felt like this 

  • It depends on the individual and the school in question. I'd suggest make the school aware what the situation is and any particular things you've noticed him struggle with, and watch to see how he is after school. If evidence of it causing problems emerges then go from there.

  • It depends on the individual and the school in question. I'd suggest make the school aware what the situation is and any particular things you've noticed him struggle with, and watch to see how he is after school. If evidence of it causing problems emerges then go from there.

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