“Hello” (which I believe is what people are supposed to say when starting a conversation.)

No idea what to say but here goes... As you can tell from the subject matter, I’m not good at communication and don’t have a lot of social skills. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not dumb but emotional intelligence is an alien concept to me. I am currently awaiting an official diagnosis for ASD and am only just acknowledging it now at the age of 20 as it wasn’t discussed as a child due to disbelief of people around me even though they had been told it might be a possibility that I was on the spectrum. I’ve always been the odd one out and never felt like I belonged. I constantly preempt every move I make or say. It’s truly exhausting and extremely depressing. I love writing and art is a passion of mine but no where near as much as I love music from the 50’s, 60’s etc. Especially country. I also have a crazy obsession with mythology which fascinates me. I’m not good at maintaining friendships as people don’t share my interests. but I feel that I can maybe use outlets like this to feel not so alone in it all. Phew! Hope that makes sense. Haha. Thanks. 

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