Hello everybody. I am new to this website. I hope we can be friends :)

Hello everyone :) 

I am new here and I have never really signed up to these forums but I am Autistic and need to educate myself a bit more, plus talking to people who might understand me will be a big help. :) 

I am not really sure what to say except I am 27 and I was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder last year but my mother has it and brother so its something I have always known. I am here not just to speak about autism in general but some things that have happened to me along the years which I know some of you will be able to relate too, One being bullying in the work place and school simple for being "different".

I am currently unemployed and waiting to hear back from the Intergrated Autism service to contact me and arrange a meeting so I can meet more people like me.  This part isn't important but I am sure some of you have this too, being autistic opens you up too things like ADHD, Anxiety, OCD and Depression. I'm not looking for attention but I thought I would throw it out there because I know some of you will have these or traits that look like these. I really hope we can all have a good talk. It will be good speaking with people that understand. I have about 5 friends who are understanding but the way I see the world is clearly different to theirs and because I don't know how they experience everything then it can be hard to relate to them and for me, explaining myself is very difficult, expressing my emotions in a physical way and the way others do is something my brain isn't wired to do, for others they describe it as instinct but I don't seem to have that. It's rather difficult to explain. Thank fully everything I feel is written in my Autism report which describes me perfectly and how my brain works. Ether way I am happy to be here and I hope to see you all around. 

My profile is a bit bland right now but I'll change that hehe :) 

Some silly things about me. 

I love music (Rock Music) Lacuna Coil, Arch Enemy, Breaking Benjamin, Nightwish, Three Days Grace, Within Temptation and many more hehe

I love Anime and as some of you will know there is too many to list haha

I love watching the news. 

I love Pokemon and Pokemon Games. 

I enjoy picking things up and rubbing them inbetween my fingers to feel the texture. 

I love picking up things like newspapers and Argos catalogues and smelling the paper. 

I love being outside when people have their fires on and smelling the coul smoke going through the air

I like playing with computers and pulling them apart and I like the Linux Operating System

I love TV Shows like Smallville, Supernatural, The Flash, Supergirl, Arrow, MR.Robot, House M.D and silly things like Dawsons Creek and Buffy the vampire slayer. 

Hopefully this build a picture of me :) See you all around

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