Hello everybody. I am new to this website. I hope we can be friends :)

Hello everyone :) 

I am new here and I have never really signed up to these forums but I am Autistic and need to educate myself a bit more, plus talking to people who might understand me will be a big help. :) 

I am not really sure what to say except I am 27 and I was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder last year but my mother has it and brother so its something I have always known. I am here not just to speak about autism in general but some things that have happened to me along the years which I know some of you will be able to relate too, One being bullying in the work place and school simple for being "different".

I am currently unemployed and waiting to hear back from the Intergrated Autism service to contact me and arrange a meeting so I can meet more people like me.  This part isn't important but I am sure some of you have this too, being autistic opens you up too things like ADHD, Anxiety, OCD and Depression. I'm not looking for attention but I thought I would throw it out there because I know some of you will have these or traits that look like these. I really hope we can all have a good talk. It will be good speaking with people that understand. I have about 5 friends who are understanding but the way I see the world is clearly different to theirs and because I don't know how they experience everything then it can be hard to relate to them and for me, explaining myself is very difficult, expressing my emotions in a physical way and the way others do is something my brain isn't wired to do, for others they describe it as instinct but I don't seem to have that. It's rather difficult to explain. Thank fully everything I feel is written in my Autism report which describes me perfectly and how my brain works. Ether way I am happy to be here and I hope to see you all around. 

My profile is a bit bland right now but I'll change that hehe :) 

Some silly things about me. 

I love music (Rock Music) Lacuna Coil, Arch Enemy, Breaking Benjamin, Nightwish, Three Days Grace, Within Temptation and many more hehe

I love Anime and as some of you will know there is too many to list haha

I love watching the news. 

I love Pokemon and Pokemon Games. 

I enjoy picking things up and rubbing them inbetween my fingers to feel the texture. 

I love picking up things like newspapers and Argos catalogues and smelling the paper. 

I love being outside when people have their fires on and smelling the coul smoke going through the air

I like playing with computers and pulling them apart and I like the Linux Operating System

I love TV Shows like Smallville, Supernatural, The Flash, Supergirl, Arrow, MR.Robot, House M.D and silly things like Dawsons Creek and Buffy the vampire slayer. 

Hopefully this build a picture of me :) See you all around

  • Hello . Thanks for posting on here and you're similar to me I think in that you're hoping to educate yourself. I'm not formally diagnosed.. at the moment anyway. I seriously considered it at the start of the year, but after reading posts on here and elsewhere and doing some research I've decided to put it on hold for now. My nephew who is 12 is diagnosed as ASD - it was a text from my sister out of the blue which alerted me to the fact that I may also be. She said that the behaviours that he shows now is exactly what I was doing at his age. It would certainly make a lot of sense. I wish now that I'd had a label to explain how I am rather than just thinking that I was battling shyness. A lot of what you say sounds familiar to me. Everyone is "different" though, it's just that 99% or whatever it is of the population find some things much easier I think. It's great that you have a few friends. This is one thing that I've found pretty much impossible to achieve, even basic friendships, so you should definitely cherish those that you have especially if they are so supportive.

    I don't often stay on forums long, but there seem to be some genuinely nice people posting on here, so hopefully you'll be able to chat to a few along the way.

    Best wishes!

  • Hello . Thanks for posting on here and you're similar to me I think in that you're hoping to educate yourself. I'm not formally diagnosed.. at the moment anyway. I seriously considered it at the start of the year, but after reading posts on here and elsewhere and doing some research I've decided to put it on hold for now. My nephew who is 12 is diagnosed as ASD - it was a text from my sister out of the blue which alerted me to the fact that I may also be. She said that the behaviours that he shows now is exactly what I was doing at his age. It would certainly make a lot of sense. I wish now that I'd had a label to explain how I am rather than just thinking that I was battling shyness. A lot of what you say sounds familiar to me. Everyone is "different" though, it's just that 99% or whatever it is of the population find some things much easier I think. It's great that you have a few friends. This is one thing that I've found pretty much impossible to achieve, even basic friendships, so you should definitely cherish those that you have especially if they are so supportive.

    I don't often stay on forums long, but there seem to be some genuinely nice people posting on here, so hopefully you'll be able to chat to a few along the way.

    Best wishes!

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