
Helllllooooo I'm Isa.

A little bit about me. I'm a lawyer, but not one of the ones who supports guilty people I only stand for people who I know are 100% innocent. Anyway I'm a fan of animated movies and love listening to music, one of my favourite pastimes.

And as we're approaching one of my favorite times of year (Christmas) I'm extremely excited!

Isa x

  • Welcome to the funhouse.

    I went through a phase of wanting to be a lawyer at one point, but I decided against it because I knew I'd end up with some guilty client and I'd just walk into the courtroom and say "I only came here to tell y'all he's definitely guilty!"

  • Hi thank you!

    I understand that and I contemplated that myself as well. If I'm 100% sure the client is guilty then I don't back them, but then I don't get paid. I'm looking into finding another job but it is hard as there's not a lot around.

  • Hi thank you!

    I understand that and I contemplated that myself as well. If I'm 100% sure the client is guilty then I don't back them, but then I don't get paid. I'm looking into finding another job but it is hard as there's not a lot around.

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