New to NAS


I'm Eleanor and I'm autistic. Asperger's Syndrome to be exact. I've known for a long time I am. And don't worry, I had the diagnosis when I was 6/7 years old. I'm 22 now and I pretty much know how autism me in particular, because as far as I'm aware, every person with autism is different. For me, it's getting overwhelmed crowded bus or London Underground, not being able to sleep until all lights in the house are off, hating the texture of velvet, the smell of baked beans, and getting all stuttery for talks/interviews on the phone that I'm not prepared for. etc.

So I only signed up on the website yesterday. I'm new with this and to be honest, I'm not sure what steps I should take next. See, I've finished university this year and am graduating next week. All the while I'm trying to look out for the work, so until I do get some ACTUAL work, it's more browsing on and visits to the local job centre for me.

Aside from that, I'm not sure how to navigate the rest. You know? Friendships, relationships, lifestyle etc. I do have friends, but they are busy with work, travelling, other courses etc. Plus a couple of them HARDLY ever answer back calls or messages. Is it really that hard to reply to 'Hi so and so, you doing ok, haven't heard from you'. Plus, I hardly know ANYONE my age in my area, so yeah, some social life I lead.

I have a lot more to say, believe me. I'm just not going to put myself out there completely. There won't be a message every day, but I will update. In the meantime, I will just take it one day at a time.

  • Hello and welcome. It is too late for me to start writing a novel on how I have got through life, and I am all out of putting out positive vibes now as I've been at it for a couple of hours now. However, some very simple rules that worked for me:

    If you don't like friends, they are not friends, don't hang around with them and find new friends.

    If you don't get on with a partner, finish it and move on.

    If you don't like a job, find a new one and find one that you really enjoy because you will then do well at it.

    Enjoy life. That's what it is all about. If you are not enjoying life, change things.

    Try new things, many things and try to find things that bring you enjoyment. You may not stick at things for too long, but you will likely find some things that you can keep doing on and off.

    Don't rely on drink and drugs. They bring their own problems.

    Try to find people that you are similar to or enjoy similar things with.

    Don't expect too much from people. Most people are rubbish at doing everything well. If you expect too much from people you will be disappointed.

    Plan things. It reduces stress.

    Allow plenty of time for things. It reduces stress and allows you to get into things.

    When things are too complicated, break them down into smaller definable steps.

    Try to smile about something each day, even if you have to force it, and it can be small simple things.

    Enjoy music that stirs your emotions.

    Learn new things.

    As you said, one day at a time is usually a good way to be.

    Look forward. You cannot change the past so do not dwell on it, but you can control your future so make the most of it.

    Meditation, relaxation and progressive relaxation is good.

    Probably just me but watching snooker in bed is fab for getting to sleep... 8)

    I could probably go on all night, but I hardly got any sleep last night so I need to go and try get some now. All the best for the future. Make the most of it and enjoy it.

  • Oh, and another big one for me. Putting emotional stuff in writing is much easier than discussing it with words. And I guess on that front, find someone who you can be yourself with.

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