Hi - Mum of autistic young man

Hi all just thought I would say hi and introduce myself. My name is Nicki and I’m a mum to 3 boys. My eldest son is 22 and was diagnosed with autism at the age of 14. It’s been a very hard journey but now I am facing new challenges as he enters adult life.

Would be nice to hear from other parents of young autistic adults and there struggles and welcome any advice.


  • Hi Nicki I am mum to 22 year old son with Asperger , it has been long road and I was really unsure when he got to 18 how life would be ,he applied for many many jobs I kept encouraging him but he became very down he thought no one would give him a chance now at 22 he has been working full time for two years ,a job he loves ,he has moved in with his girlfriend ,got engaged and now saving and planning his wedding ,there is light at the end of the tunnel hope all goes well for you ,stay positive x

  • Hi Nicki I am mum to 22 year old son with Asperger , it has been long road and I was really unsure when he got to 18 how life would be ,he applied for many many jobs I kept encouraging him but he became very down he thought no one would give him a chance now at 22 he has been working full time for two years ,a job he loves ,he has moved in with his girlfriend ,got engaged and now saving and planning his wedding ,there is light at the end of the tunnel hope all goes well for you ,stay positive x
