
Hello, my name is Sharon. I joined this website/community to gain a better understanding of autism.

I'm a TU rep within my organisation as well as a Health and Safety rep and I'm currently supporting a colleague who is due to undergo a Workplace Assessment. This is the second time I've supported a neuro-diverse member of staff, although with the first I was only involved very late on so never experienced the assessment this means I'm not fully sure what to expect.

I'm mainly looking to find out the experience others have, in the workplace as well as with the assessment. I'm constantly looking to develop my knowledge, help influence positive outcomes and to ensure everyone has equality within their place of work (and everyday life).

  • Also a.union rep, equaliry rep and healrh and safery rep for unite ( and previously unison) and autistic.  

    Had.great.problems.myself in the workplace, and main problem wirh NT that it is very difficult to get them to understand, from my experience at least with my problems.  It took a long time, mainly me working on my own case, to.get my case resolved.  How I would have done this without my own union training and experience I don't know as.I was advised by my union officer to not fight my no help.whatsoever.

    I am a member of the regional disabled committee for unite, but perhaps an all-union autism ( or neuro-diverse)  group would be an idea, there are many problems on here where people have not got the advice they really need from.their union reps.

  • Also a.union rep, equaliry rep and healrh and safery rep for unite ( and previously unison) and autistic.  

    Had.great.problems.myself in the workplace, and main problem wirh NT that it is very difficult to get them to understand, from my experience at least with my problems.  It took a long time, mainly me working on my own case, to.get my case resolved.  How I would have done this without my own union training and experience I don't know as.I was advised by my union officer to not fight my no help.whatsoever.

    I am a member of the regional disabled committee for unite, but perhaps an all-union autism ( or neuro-diverse)  group would be an idea, there are many problems on here where people have not got the advice they really need from.their union reps.

  • I'm (hoping) to attend my unions Health and Safety Forum next week and I'm hoping there will be some discussion on this. I'm also going to push for some form of neuro-diversity awareness training to be available for line managers (which is where I find any issues usually stem) via the Health and Safety Committees in work.

    Does Unite offer Neuro-Diversity Training for reps?

    It sounds as if it isn't just a workplace management issue but more needs to be done by reps also. We've had a decrease in the number of reps over the years. I feel, with all the pressure in the workplace, pay freezes, staff cuts, a lot of staff are afraid to get involved in case it reflects badly on their work.