
Hi. I have been undergoing an intense period of social isolation for the last 3 or 4 years and i don't know where else to go for support. I don't feel able to venture out into the world and put things right there for myself at this juncture. I am really just looking for a kind ear, warm words and some solidarity and support and i'm hoping to find it here. Extending an olive branch to you all. *waves*

Parents Reply Children
  • Hello Kitsun. Thankyou for your welcome! How are you?  I'm going to copy and paste from a reply i gave above so i can answer your question more easily. I hope that you don't mind.  Here it is:

    "I know the hermits life well as it's the way i have spent most (but not all) of my adult life.  This particular period of hermitude has been so long that i'm not even sure what year i started it. I suspect it was 2014. Preceding this current period was my longest period of trying to make it in the outside world. Which lasted  3 years from 2011-2014.  When attempting to be social i find the various and subtle forms of rejection deeply hurtful and mentally scarring. It doesn't have to be outright rejection.  Sometimes the subtler rejection of always receiving a low place in an established pecking order/hierarchy can be even more wounding. Things like everyone pairing off whilst you remain single"