
Hi. I have been undergoing an intense period of social isolation for the last 3 or 4 years and i don't know where else to go for support. I don't feel able to venture out into the world and put things right there for myself at this juncture. I am really just looking for a kind ear, warm words and some solidarity and support and i'm hoping to find it here. Extending an olive branch to you all. *waves*

  • Hello Malojian, welcome. How are you? 

  • Hello BlueRay. As i mentioned in my introduction in am struggling with social isolation and finding a happy place in the world.  I was hoping as i got older (i'm 36) i would start to feel a creeping senility and contentedness but i am still as angst ridden as ever.  How are you?

  • I’m really good thank you. I have lead what you would call, a hermits life, these past few years. Since 2012 in fact. At times to greater or lesser extends. But the last two years, I have barely left my bed, let alone my house. 

    They have been the most incredible two years of my life. I completely indulged myself, for about 12 months or so, in my autistic nature. I was doing little more than indulging in my mad obsessions, such as researching Henry Ford, Einstein, Lincoln, and other such characters. I loved it. And I lived off bars of chocolate, shop bought sandwiches and 6 pack bags of crisps. When I managed to slip out in the dark, to get supplies. It was heaven. 

    I’m now coming out of my burnout, so I’m starting to slowly get out a little more. But it’s a matter of taking teeny weeny tiny baby steps, and one step forward then time to process. It’s a process and I’m enjoying it. I’ve turned my obesessions into something that will be useful as well, so I’m still enjoying long, leisurely days, not eating, or drinking much, or nothing at all. Not getting washed and dressed ~ heaven :) and just reading and relaxing, as best I can with my beautiful ADHD mind and enjoying the moment. 

    Is there anything you enjoy doing or that you wouldn’t mind trying? That could be a first step. Just take it easy. You’ll make lots of friendships here. It’s easier when we share so many similar experiences. 

  • Great recommendation, cheers Thumbsup tone3 I haven't read any books yet on Abraham, it's all been YouTube so far, so this is great because at some point I do want to read an actual book or books about him. Thanks for that Relaxed

  • Can you recommend an good biography of Honest Abe?

    Lincoln by David Herbert Donald, is a good point to start. It's very fact heavy, and doesn't really have any agenda, or rhetoric. I'd say it's a good book to read first about Lincoln. Then you can read anything that covers a particular aspect. It covers his upbringing, road to power, time in power, and ends quite abruptly with his death. It covers that period of America quite objectively too. Then there are 15000+ other books that you can read about anything else about the man, depending on what catches your interest in there. It's a great book to use as a pretty unobtrusive, pretty objective, starting point of reference. A lot of other stuff has some kind of unobjective spin, or passionate rhetoric.

    Oh and BTW, welcome!

  • I’m not sure if I’ve actually read any books on Abe. It was at a stage of my burnout when I couldn’t really concentrate enough to read. So like some amazing thing, I suddenly discovered YouTube, and I think I was the happiest I had ever been in my life :) Seriously. I don’t have televisions or things like that but this was like a miracle, an answer to a prayer I’d never even said, lol, and it sure as hell made my total wipe out period thoroughly enjoyable. And I know loads about Abe now and Henry :) 

    I also found old black and white movies to watch. Loads of them. And loads of stuff on just about anything that seemed to take my interest. One thing often lead to another. It was amazing. I loved it. I honestly thought, this is it. This is what I love to do. I love researching and watching YouTube videos on my favourite people or intetest at any given time. It’s been my autistic heaven. 

  • I know the hermits life well as it's the way i have spent most (but not all) of my adult life.  This particular period of hermitude has been so long that i'm not even sure what year i started it. I suspect it was 2014. Preceding this current period was my longest period of trying to make it in the outside world. Which lasted  3 years from 2011-2014.  When attempting to be social i find the various and subtle forms of rejection deeply hurtful and mentally scarring. It doesn't have to be outright rejection.  Sometimes the subtler rejection of always receiving a low place in an established pecking order/hierarchy can be even more wounding. Things like everyone pairing off whilst you remain single,

    Can you recommend an good biography of Honest Abe? That particular period of American History is interesting and i wish to know more.

    I'm at a crossroads and really don't know what to do. I had an unfulfilled plan to leave the house everyday even to do exclusively solitary stuff. Maybe i'll try and do that. I can't help desiring the life of the functional Nt but to get it, i'd have to subject myself to so much pain and i am very reluctant to do so.  I remember thinking i just needed a break/ a rest and here i am 5 years later.  

  • I know the hermits life well as it's the way i have spent most (but not all) of my adult life.  This particular period of hermitude has been so long that i'm not even sure what year i started it. I suspect it was 2014. Preceding this current period was my longest period of trying to make it in the outside world. Which lasted  3 years from 2011-2014.  When attempting to be social i find the various and subtle forms of rejection deeply hurtful and mentally scarring. It doesn't have to be outright rejection.  Sometimes the subtler rejection of always receiving a low place in an established pecking order/hierarchy can be even more wounding. Things like everyone pairing off whilst you remain single,

    Can you recommend an good biography of Honest Abe? That particular period of American History is interesting and i wish to know more.

    I'm at a crossroads and really don't know what to do. I had an unfulfilled plan to leave the house everyday even to do exclusively solitary stuff. Maybe i'll try and do that. I can't help desiring the life of the functional Nt but to get it, i'd have to subject myself to so much pain and i am very reluctant to do so.  I remember thinking i just needed a break/ a rest and here i am 5 years later.  

  • Great recommendation, cheers Thumbsup tone3 I haven't read any books yet on Abraham, it's all been YouTube so far, so this is great because at some point I do want to read an actual book or books about him. Thanks for that Relaxed

  • Can you recommend an good biography of Honest Abe?

    Lincoln by David Herbert Donald, is a good point to start. It's very fact heavy, and doesn't really have any agenda, or rhetoric. I'd say it's a good book to read first about Lincoln. Then you can read anything that covers a particular aspect. It covers his upbringing, road to power, time in power, and ends quite abruptly with his death. It covers that period of America quite objectively too. Then there are 15000+ other books that you can read about anything else about the man, depending on what catches your interest in there. It's a great book to use as a pretty unobtrusive, pretty objective, starting point of reference. A lot of other stuff has some kind of unobjective spin, or passionate rhetoric.

    Oh and BTW, welcome!

  • I’m not sure if I’ve actually read any books on Abe. It was at a stage of my burnout when I couldn’t really concentrate enough to read. So like some amazing thing, I suddenly discovered YouTube, and I think I was the happiest I had ever been in my life :) Seriously. I don’t have televisions or things like that but this was like a miracle, an answer to a prayer I’d never even said, lol, and it sure as hell made my total wipe out period thoroughly enjoyable. And I know loads about Abe now and Henry :) 

    I also found old black and white movies to watch. Loads of them. And loads of stuff on just about anything that seemed to take my interest. One thing often lead to another. It was amazing. I loved it. I honestly thought, this is it. This is what I love to do. I love researching and watching YouTube videos on my favourite people or intetest at any given time. It’s been my autistic heaven.