Saying hello

Hi everyone,

It has taken me a while to post, I usually tend to read rather than post on forums and have been taking a look since around November time.

I’m in my early thirties (still painful to admit that!) and just going through a diagnosis process after a really challenging period at the end of last year paired with discovering that my mum (sunflower on here) is autistic following her diagnosis.

I’ve spent the last few years thinking that everyone experiences the levels of stress and anxiety that I do and have found it hard to talk about and while reaching crisis point before Christmas was horrible it also did a lot of good in terms of me making a positive step towards getting help.

My wife has occasionally suggested over the years that I may be autistic but I’d always been dismissive as I didn’t really understand what autism is and didn’t feel that it related to me. My wife and mum have been so supportive in helping me to better understand what it can mean and I’m now feeling incredibly positive about the idea.

Some challenges remain, my dad has really struggled with the whole idea, I didn’t talk to him about my crisis before Christmas and put off speaking to him about the diagnosis process as his initial reaction was quite explosive and dismissive. Things are improving there but I still don’t think my dad understands entirely but hopefully that will change in time.

I’m really excited about finding out the results of my diagnosis and can’t wait for my next appointment! 

  • It is lovely to be saying hello to you on here!  It is no exaggeration to say that before, during and after my ASD diagnosis the members of this community have been the single most important source of advice, information and encouragement. 

    I am sure that you will find being here really helpful too. It's tough at times going through the autism diagnostic process, but you are not alone. x

  • Welcome.  Hopefully things will start being a bit clearer for you.

  • Hi, 

    Welcome to the forum, I'm glad you have such a positive attitude towards your diagnosis, dad's quite often struggle to understand my partner was very against getting our daughter assessed when she was younger as he did not want her labeled, but as he came to understand more about autism he has realised his reluctance was caused by the fact that he himself is in all likelihood autistic, he is now very supportive (as long as things go as he plans!) 

    Your mum is one of the most supportive and caring members on here and has given fantastic support to so many (myself included)  I know that wasn't the purpose of your post but I just wanted you to know!

    I hope that getting the diagnosis helps you with all the struggles you mentioned. 

    Anyway good luck and welcome!