Hello I'm new

Hello I'm a 46 year old male who was diagnosed with autism in September.

I've just had my esa medical and it seemed a bit different from usual in that I was not physically examined this time !

Has anybody else had this happen to them ?

  • Hi there, good to meet you - I am a 58 year old woman, diagnosed with ASD five weeks ago. I don't know the answer to your question about ESA medicals, but I am sure someone here will. This is s very knowledgeable and supportive community. 

    Hope you enjoy being part of this forum. 

  • Hi there, good to meet you - I am a 58 year old woman, diagnosed with ASD five weeks ago. I don't know the answer to your question about ESA medicals, but I am sure someone here will. This is s very knowledgeable and supportive community. 

    Hope you enjoy being part of this forum. 
