Newly diagnosed with ASD Aspergers profile this morning


this is my first post on here. I Had the ADOS and psychiatric assessment this morning and was told that I have ASD/Aspergers, which I have suspected for a while.

part of me is frustrated that I wasn’t diagnosed as a child (I’m 37 now) and that I missed all the early intervention stuff.

part of me is relieved as it explains so much of how my life has been and the difficulties I have had. I guess now I know for definite what the issue is I can try to manage symptoms. I’ve been working through a social skills book the last few months which has helped so much. I really wish that I’d had that book 30 years ago, a step by step guide to social interaction, it would’ve saved me a lot of rejection.

mainly I’m feeling numb and not sure how I should feel.

Anyone else freshly diagnosed or awaiting diagnosis out there?

  • I'm glad I wasn't diagnosed until I was 42 (10 years ago). I suspect that my career and sucess would have been very different if I had been labelled at an early age.

    As it was, I had never considered that I was faulty - I just thought those around me were lazy, incompetent and generally disappointing humans. They were all talk and no action - and even then, they didn't do what they said they would.

    If I had been diagnosed as a child, I think the stigma would have pre-limited my career choice.

  • I'm glad I wasn't diagnosed until I was 42 (10 years ago). I suspect that my career and sucess would have been very different if I had been labelled at an early age.

    As it was, I had never considered that I was faulty - I just thought those around me were lazy, incompetent and generally disappointing humans. They were all talk and no action - and even then, they didn't do what they said they would.

    If I had been diagnosed as a child, I think the stigma would have pre-limited my career choice.

  • Hi Plastic, I kind of get what you mean. I used to think that I had a really good brain. Academically good and rigid routine=efficient, right?

    Maybe it's better that I went through university not knowing my disability. Though I feel that I'd have been a lot less lonely had I known and received early intervention etc. 

    This stigma business really needs to go away. Though I think it's less than it used to be?

  • That is a good attitude. And this perspective makes a lot of sense as well. The ASD label is associated with a lot of stigma and it may give people an excuse to treat you differently. I like your way of thinking. Slight smile