15 year old daughter feeling very socially isolated

My 15 year old daughter attends a mainstream school and has no friends. She is very depressed and very sad, and it breaks my heart. We live in Surrey. Does anyone know of any groups for teen girls. I’ve also looked into e-befriending/mentoring but the NAS programme is full. If there is nothing, I would be prepared to try and get something up and running. Is anyone else going through this with their teen daughter?

  • I've mentioned on a similar thread about joining the Explorer Scouts - it's a well supervised & controlled way of getting out and doing something fun. It's mixed (my troop was 50/50 boys girls) and they are fully inclusive and accommodating of any disabilities. They are more than happy for parents to help out.

    Because it's controlled, there's no bullying (it is absolutely not tolerated) and everyone gets to develop their social skills.

    If you don't mind me asking, how autistic is she? - is she comfortable leaving the house and interacting with others? The leaders will encourage her to try everything.

    If she's up for it, I would suggest you go along with her until she gets the hang of it to reduce her stress levels - the predictability and routine can be nice for kids with social problems.

  • I've mentioned on a similar thread about joining the Explorer Scouts - it's a well supervised & controlled way of getting out and doing something fun. It's mixed (my troop was 50/50 boys girls) and they are fully inclusive and accommodating of any disabilities. They are more than happy for parents to help out.

    Because it's controlled, there's no bullying (it is absolutely not tolerated) and everyone gets to develop their social skills.

    If you don't mind me asking, how autistic is she? - is she comfortable leaving the house and interacting with others? The leaders will encourage her to try everything.

    If she's up for it, I would suggest you go along with her until she gets the hang of it to reduce her stress levels - the predictability and routine can be nice for kids with social problems.

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