ASD but not really sure !

Hi my name is Shawn ,i suspect i have some form of ASD but i am 52 years old and its probably a bit late for a diagnosis now having spent my lifetime self training for strategies to deal with things or simply avoiding them !,hey ho this post is not about me any way ....i have six children however one was different but we couldn't put our finger on why until we had her referred to our local sussex based clinic the Scott Unit ,at this time she was just under four and we ad to take a few more visits until they could make a diagnosis owing to her needing to develop  and age a little more (something they do not seem to do now) ,the upshot of these visits was a formal diagnosis by an eminent doctor in this field Dr K Nwosu of Autism ,learning difficulties and dyslexia.unhappy finding out our little flower had a diagnosis but happy having a label to which we could draw up a care plan for her off we went. we informed the school and the school went about assigning a senco and an education plan she was in at the time ,a couple of weeks later my daughter said something which really shocked us she said she was being treated badly by a teacher ,in fact it was the head teacher of the school ! when we inquired at the school  about our daughters claim the head teacher told us she refused to believe the diagnosis and intended and had been treating her as a naughty child ,disgusted with this we withdrew her from this school in fear of her well being and looked for a school more suitable for her ,we found one in the next town and got her settled in to this school and spent the next year commuting twice a day to the next town until we found a housing exchange to suit us near the new school then we moved out youngest daughter into this school too.

We had a senco and an education plan sorted and also a jump ahead plan as she was also diagnosed with hyper mobility and she also had suffered a near death situation with a complaint called ITP which basically meant she had a massive reduction in white blood cells which nearly killed her owing to a massively enlarged spleen and the condition is now chronic .

Now moving on a few years of school years we had yr 5 was a whole new ball game ,our daughter was being bullied on several occasions by several different bullies ,as she is not normal idiots pick on her so it has been a traumatic time for all of us having pulled the school up on their anti bullying strategy and making a point of her being on the spectrum we managed to get this sorted for now .

In year 4 we had a medical intervention and the school insisted our daughter was assessed for her needs so they ushered in a so called specialist to do this and they performed an ADOS-2 on her to which they told us she was un-diagnosed from Autism !! to this day we still refuse to accept this as a parent of an Autistic child you damn well know there is or is not an ASD issue with your child .

now we are at yr6 we have been asked which school we would choose for our children , we want to choose a school based on her diagnosis or rather her difficulties as a child but we were told she cant attend the school of our choice without a statement or ehcp so we got in touch with our local authority and asked for a self referral once they had studied the paperwork t has been refused based on the ADOS-2 report however in the same paperwork it shows most spectacularly our child difficulty with schooling and attaining the current sillibus levels.

i am at a loss and need some help advice from some body in the know ,i wonder if we could get her diagnosed by somebody whom these public puppets will listen to maybe ?

it all stinks to me of La's trying to save money and play down ASD as an unnecessary expense?

sorry for any spelling mistakes ,i find it difficult to communicate in most forms with my own issues which makes or rather the authoroties think works in their favor most of the time !