Occupational Therapy at School

Hello everyone,

My son , aged 8, was diagnosed on the Autistic Spectrum in August, although we have always known that he is.  One area that is of real benefit to him, is Occuaptional Therapy, which is helping resolve some sensory issues that he has.  

Our problem is getting the school on board. While they are happy to recognise he has sensory needs, they will not implement our sensory diet in school. We are getting a lot of lip service and recognition of his needs, but nothing concrete to help him throughout the day.  These are simple things such as stretches, carrying, blowing, jumping and bouncing etc.  He should do them at set times of day.   

Does anyone else follow a sensory diet? and how does your school implement it? are they on board with it? or does your child manage it himself?

  • Unfortunately, in my opinion,  now closed and integrated into a mainstream school. even though the Education should be the same.

    In regard to you son eating sensory food, all food is to some degree sensory, he may have the opportunity to copy other pupils with their eating habits some good some bad presumably.. My son has bolted his food so much so it has to be cut up, It is very difficult to control his eating without a violent meltdown.

    Can you communicate and reason with your son?  My Son in his search to understand life, taught himself  with our help using Ceefax on the TV as it was then and was able to read by the age of 7, and put an older brother to shame, but unfortunately he could not understand a word of what he had read out with whatever speech difficulty of attempt Pa Fa etc

    He uses the written word to make his lists.

    You are an obvious unpaid Carer of last resort. I think this Friday Carers UK is doing publicity for Carers to get their Local authority to make a list of The Carers's needs..

  • Unfortunately, in my opinion,  now closed and integrated into a mainstream school. even though the Education should be the same.

    In regard to you son eating sensory food, all food is to some degree sensory, he may have the opportunity to copy other pupils with their eating habits some good some bad presumably.. My son has bolted his food so much so it has to be cut up, It is very difficult to control his eating without a violent meltdown.

    Can you communicate and reason with your son?  My Son in his search to understand life, taught himself  with our help using Ceefax on the TV as it was then and was able to read by the age of 7, and put an older brother to shame, but unfortunately he could not understand a word of what he had read out with whatever speech difficulty of attempt Pa Fa etc

    He uses the written word to make his lists.

    You are an obvious unpaid Carer of last resort. I think this Friday Carers UK is doing publicity for Carers to get their Local authority to make a list of The Carers's needs..

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