
Hi, I'm Karen [I prefer Kaz] I was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome back in October 2003 at the age of 8; I didn't really fully understand my Aspergers until my late Teens.

I have difficulties with Social Communication; Understanding Things [Questions; Emotions; Words; Routines; Financial etc.] Sudden Changes or Changing my Routine. My biggest difficulty in particular is Group Work; I find it very hard to meet new people, make friends and especially keep friends. A lot of times I've gotten to know people, gain friendships and then once they gotten to know me or see me during a 'Sensory Overload' or whether there's an issue or argument they would then see me as a 'BAD' person (which I'm not 99% of the time) and would either then avoid me, bully me, gossip about me or most cases hurt me emotionally. I do have a small bunch of friends whom I'm close to who understand, respect/accept me, who I am; they've seen me at my worst times and have stuck by.

Unfortunately since leaving college back in 2012, I decided not to go to University and focus on getting a job; I am now currently a University Student and unemployed. I haven't had a job yet, I've been rejected by so many job applications, I've even had replies say "I'm sorry but we can't hire you with your condition". I want to try and do something career wise, so I've decided to go to University, unfortunately I've only been here 2 months and I've already had issues with group work (which I'm currently sorting out atm) and I currently have some students in my course either avoiding me or gossiping about me. Truthfully, I work better independently. It's a shame really, cos I'm a very caring, supportive and funny person once people get to know me, it's just hard when they look at me differently cos of a small issue or if I get anxious about something. 

I am very creative & imaginative, one of my positives is Photographic Memory which is useful for my Self Taught Video Editing; I'm a Youtuber and spend at least 6/7 hours a day editing videos/creating videos which is my biggest skill. I'm also a massive Doctor Who fan [so hello to any Whovians who read this] And I also want to help inspire & support people with Autism, Aspergers, Autistic Spectrum in the Future, so I can share my stories and experiences to others for inspiration. 

But yeah, that's only a bit about me, there's so much more to that, but hello, nervous hello really, cos I'm not 100% socially comfortable/confident with chatting online/forums etc. 

  • Welcome, Kaz.

    I can remember feeling very overwhelmed when I started University, though it's a very long time ago now, and I didn't know I was autistic back then. Do you get any support from disability services there? I've heard that most Uni's offer some kind of support these days, though I know very little as it wasn't really a thing back in my day. It can be hard to find people that don't get freaked out by melt-downs etc., but I did manage to find a few good people at Uni' after a while, some of whom I'm still good friends with now; and it's very likely that you're not the only autistic person there.

    I've done a little bit of video editing myself, and like you was self-taught (the easiest way for me to learn anything, usually.) What kind of videos do you like to make? - mine were mostly simple things for family and friends, but I did dabble a little bit in some slightly more experimental stuff - though nothing I'd be brave enough to put on YouTube!

    Everyone's a bit nervous when they first come here, but you'll discover soon enough how helpful, considerate, and friendly everyone is. Joining forums like this one has been the best thing I did since my diagnosis a few years ago. I hope you find it as helpful and fun as I have!

  • I do have some support/disability services at my University, they also have support just for people on the Autistic Spectrum. 

    I do a lot of Edited Fan Videos, mostly on Doctor Who. I gather some clips, choose a song and edit it in a way that's like a bit professional but also entertaining. I always have to pick the right song for the right video :) And I also film with my friends, weekends away, trips, holidays and edit them into a stylish Vlog/Video. Most of the people who feature in the Videos with me are people I was inspired by for many years, I'd watched them on Youtube since 2007 and ended up becoming friends with nearly all of them back in 2013, still friends with them now :) I use my Youtube Channel like a Video CV, to share my work, to inspire others and to entertain fans, I'm currently at 1,200 so subscribers/fans on my channel, I've had the channel for about 4/5 years now. 

  • I do have some support/disability services at my University, they also have support just for people on the Autistic Spectrum. 

    I do a lot of Edited Fan Videos, mostly on Doctor Who. I gather some clips, choose a song and edit it in a way that's like a bit professional but also entertaining. I always have to pick the right song for the right video :) And I also film with my friends, weekends away, trips, holidays and edit them into a stylish Vlog/Video. Most of the people who feature in the Videos with me are people I was inspired by for many years, I'd watched them on Youtube since 2007 and ended up becoming friends with nearly all of them back in 2013, still friends with them now :) I use my Youtube Channel like a Video CV, to share my work, to inspire others and to entertain fans, I'm currently at 1,200 so subscribers/fans on my channel, I've had the channel for about 4/5 years now. 

  • That sounds amazing. I'm more of a musician myself, but I find creativity is one of the most satisfying and therapeutic things in the world; strapping on my bass and twanging away is the best stress relief in the world. Being able to do it in collaboration with other people is wonderful too, it seems to overcome some of the social problems that I'd feel in other situations. I was just talking recently on another thread about how I miss the camaraderie of being in bands, despite how difficult I often found the social scene around playing gigs, and I have some friends I've known for nearly 30 years that I met through being creative together that way.

    Don't be afraid to post a link to your YouTube channel or a few videos. I'm pretty sure we have a fair few Whovians here who'd love to take a peek.