
Hi, I'm Karen [I prefer Kaz] I was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome back in October 2003 at the age of 8; I didn't really fully understand my Aspergers until my late Teens.

I have difficulties with Social Communication; Understanding Things [Questions; Emotions; Words; Routines; Financial etc.] Sudden Changes or Changing my Routine. My biggest difficulty in particular is Group Work; I find it very hard to meet new people, make friends and especially keep friends. A lot of times I've gotten to know people, gain friendships and then once they gotten to know me or see me during a 'Sensory Overload' or whether there's an issue or argument they would then see me as a 'BAD' person (which I'm not 99% of the time) and would either then avoid me, bully me, gossip about me or most cases hurt me emotionally. I do have a small bunch of friends whom I'm close to who understand, respect/accept me, who I am; they've seen me at my worst times and have stuck by.

Unfortunately since leaving college back in 2012, I decided not to go to University and focus on getting a job; I am now currently a University Student and unemployed. I haven't had a job yet, I've been rejected by so many job applications, I've even had replies say "I'm sorry but we can't hire you with your condition". I want to try and do something career wise, so I've decided to go to University, unfortunately I've only been here 2 months and I've already had issues with group work (which I'm currently sorting out atm) and I currently have some students in my course either avoiding me or gossiping about me. Truthfully, I work better independently. It's a shame really, cos I'm a very caring, supportive and funny person once people get to know me, it's just hard when they look at me differently cos of a small issue or if I get anxious about something. 

I am very creative & imaginative, one of my positives is Photographic Memory which is useful for my Self Taught Video Editing; I'm a Youtuber and spend at least 6/7 hours a day editing videos/creating videos which is my biggest skill. I'm also a massive Doctor Who fan [so hello to any Whovians who read this] And I also want to help inspire & support people with Autism, Aspergers, Autistic Spectrum in the Future, so I can share my stories and experiences to others for inspiration. 

But yeah, that's only a bit about me, there's so much more to that, but hello, nervous hello really, cos I'm not 100% socially comfortable/confident with chatting online/forums etc. 

  • Hello and welcome.

    I can't believe you have had replies saying they can't hire you with your condition. This is surely not legal with the equalities act? Have you considered doing voluntary work to gain experience? Totally sympathise with the group work issue, never been good at that.

    You sound like you have some interesting hobbies. Although I'm afraid I absolutely hate Doctor Who.

    I was nervous/uncomfortable writing on here to start with but I feel much more confident now. I'm sure you will too.

  • Hello and welcome.

    I can't believe you have had replies saying they can't hire you with your condition. This is surely not legal with the equalities act? Have you considered doing voluntary work to gain experience? Totally sympathise with the group work issue, never been good at that.

    You sound like you have some interesting hobbies. Although I'm afraid I absolutely hate Doctor Who.

    I was nervous/uncomfortable writing on here to start with but I feel much more confident now. I'm sure you will too.

  • I did Volunteering at 2 different Charity Shops, 1 was Work Experience, the other one lasted for about a year after I finished college & I also did brief volunteering at a Local Radio Station, which I left there about 3yrs ago. A few people have mentioned about the replies being 'not legal',  most of the applications I applied for were mostly part time retail work. It's their loss cos I have some experience with serving customers, handling stock etc.