

I'm someone with Asperger syndrome and I received this diagnosis four and a half years ago, after wondering why I seemed 'different' to other 'normal' people. At the time, I thought that knowing what I had would be something positive as I'd be able to explain to people what I had and why I was different and that those other people would be able to help me a little more, now that they knew what kind of disability I had, though for so long I wasn't aware that I had what was classed as a disability. I should mention that I'm unemployed and I naively thought that getting my diagnosis would help to make a positive difference in this regard.

Sadly, that didn't happen and unfortunately I'm now in two minds about whether I should have bothered finding out about myself at all, as I've come to realize that not only do the majority of people still know nothing about Asperger syndrome (but then I guess that was to be expected, since nobody really still understands what autism is), but it's also made me pretty cynical and unfortunately has put me off people a little, at least in being around them. But because I'm unemployed and though I don't like being around groups of people, the people I see who are supposedly trying to help me get into full-time employment keep on putting me among other groups of people and I'm the one who's expected to make the first move in getting to know the other members, though it's in this area that I have the most difficulty, hence my cynical attitude, since those other people seem more concerned about doing their own jobs, than in helping someone with this kind of disability, as it's something they can't or don't want to understand or to find out anything about.

Anyway, that's enough of my feeling sorry for myself, though I'm not one of those people who can pretend to have a positive attitude, when they're feeling anything, but positive. However, because I don't want this introduction to be completely sombre, I should mention that I like writing stories in my spare time and in fact, if it hadn't been for my story writing, I think I would have gone completely loopy way before now! Anyway, being able to write my stories is my solace and if anyone isn't put off by the first two paragraphs about myself (though it's better I should be honest about myself), I'd be interested in hearing from other fellow writers. If possible and if other people visiting this community are interested, I could add links so they could read some of the stories I've already written. I've written a science fiction/superhero young adult series called "Khalan & Jane" and a children's series called "Sarah & Emma". The "Khalan & Jane" series is comprised at this present time of three novels, three short story collections and a novella featuring the two main characters, Khalan and Jane Zhal, while "Sarah & Emma" currently consists of twelve short stories featuring the adventures of the two sisters, Sarah and Emma Clarke.

I hope I haven't put people off getting in touch, but I am one of life's cynics, I'm sorry to say and like I said before, it's better to be honest about the kind of person I am. Anyway, I look forward to hearing from other people who share my condition/disability on this site and who might be story writers too or any other kind of writer.


P.S. As well as my story writing, I'm also learning French online, as it's always been one of my regrets that I never learned another language. Though I can't say I'm going to become a fluent French speaker in the foreseeable future, I'm a little more confident that I'll be able to read some French now and to understand what I'm reading!

  • Hi Culcheth

    I graduated when there were 500 graduates to one job. Experiencing stigma for being on the dole was like having acid thrown in my face. I decided to be creatively and gainfully unemployed, as I listed the hypocrisy of the work ethic, but living without a j.o.b. was still a bumpy road. Them, when I was just starting to be self employed the 90's brought another recession and that was the end of that. I took the TESOL course oncevonecwas offered for free and left the UK. And after hearing tales of DWP horrors since Cameron's government, glad I did. The only thing job centres and training schemes seem able to do in the UK is intimidate and humiliate people and treat them like absolute morons. No thanks. 

    Best of luck with your story telling. A course of friends of mine have written SF stories and published them on Kindle. I wrote some short stories once too, but prefer to concentrate on Art instead. 

  • Hi Culcheth

    I graduated when there were 500 graduates to one job. Experiencing stigma for being on the dole was like having acid thrown in my face. I decided to be creatively and gainfully unemployed, as I listed the hypocrisy of the work ethic, but living without a j.o.b. was still a bumpy road. Them, when I was just starting to be self employed the 90's brought another recession and that was the end of that. I took the TESOL course oncevonecwas offered for free and left the UK. And after hearing tales of DWP horrors since Cameron's government, glad I did. The only thing job centres and training schemes seem able to do in the UK is intimidate and humiliate people and treat them like absolute morons. No thanks. 

    Best of luck with your story telling. A course of friends of mine have written SF stories and published them on Kindle. I wrote some short stories once too, but prefer to concentrate on Art instead. 

  • Hi Nexus9,

    Thanks for your reply and sorry for taking my time in replying back. Maybe if I'd got my diagnosis earlier, perhaps when I was still in a job, maybe it would have made some difference, but on the other hand, maybe not. Anyway, reading the replies on here has helped to make me feel a little better.

    I did publish them on Kindle, but what with the amount of money you have to spend and because I found I didn't really enjoy the business side of it, I'm really just writing for myself now, though should I get around to it, I might try and put them in installments on a blog. What kind of art do you do?
