Nervous Greetings

Hello everyone, 

Will try to keep this brief as a post to "break the ice" 

36 year old self confessed gaming nerd feeling out of his depth most of the time. 

Was diagnosed a few years ago with Aspergers by an autism assessment team and then have been somewhat floating every since with little support. Directed to this website by the only mental health recovery worker I have (thank you Leanne) and we are currently looking to find more autism focused help as my local community mental health team don't work with people with autism. 

Live with my older sister (42) who has also been diagnosed with aspergers and struggles with a lot of sensory based problems on top of agoraphobia so it falls on me now to be the one that faces the outside world. We sadly lost my Dad suddenly 3 years ago, who we have discovered did more for us than we realised, as learning how to run a house, manage bills, answer forms and navigate how to do things the "expected" way is very overwhelming. Lost my Mam to leukaemia when I was 15 and have spent the majority of my life struggling with my mental health and an eating disorder and all the negative coping strategies that have formed around them.

Don't mean to come across as negative, but thought a very brief summary of where I am would help. On the whole I do try to hold onto hope and even the smallest things that I enjoy. They are just rather fleeting these past few years.

Am hoping these forums will provide me with some perspective and advice on what to do when you have 2 people living together with aspergers that having clashing needs at times but still need to negotiate daily things like changing energy suppliers in a bid to save money.

So, hello.... I guess Slight smile

  • Just want to start off by saying thank you very much  for the welcomes, part of me was expecting to get no replies at all.

    It isn't easy living with another person on the spectrum, especially as we have differing needs and areas of sensitivity  but we try our best. When the world is a little calmer we navigate each other with minimal friction. The main change has been losing our Dad, he was a major sounding board for my sister and now that she has lost him she turns to me for reassurance and perspective, something I often cannot provide as it is something I actually often need myself.

    I hope you get the diagnosis you are seeking Sunflower, although I have to admit I found mine to be somewhat confusing. I finally had an answer to things but no solutions, not sure if that is a common reaction though. Am slowly learning things everyday and looking over every memory that I have in a different light of seeing so many things as being part of my autism and not a personal flaw as I always thought.

    With time I am hoping I adjust to the new way of things and that life is less chaotic feeling

    As for other interests I think they all seem to be related to video games when I think about it, although I do like to try crafting things but I am not very good at it. Have boxes full of materials but I never know where to start

  • Having someone else as a sounding board is really helpful. When two people are using lots of energy just to keep going it is hard to nurture the other one. One way of relieving pressure is to do an activity you can lose yourself in. I got really absorbed in gaming, so I might take it up again. It's ironic that I stopped myself from doing it because I liked it so much!

    I like crafting too, but I need a reason to actually do it. I made the mistake of buying a huge hoard of crafting materials from someone else, and all I've done is sort it into categories (I really liked doing that!). Narrow interests is part of being autistic and it helped me a lot in my career. I would get completely obsessed with whatever I was working on at the time and build up expertise really quickly. 

    I reckon it takes a really long while to repair all those negative messages we've had all our lives from ourselves and other people. It's like I take each memory, look at it a bit differently and then put it away again. I've got loads to sort through, a bit like the crafting materials! 

  • Having someone else as a sounding board is really helpful. When two people are using lots of energy just to keep going it is hard to nurture the other one. One way of relieving pressure is to do an activity you can lose yourself in. I got really absorbed in gaming, so I might take it up again. It's ironic that I stopped myself from doing it because I liked it so much!

    I like crafting too, but I need a reason to actually do it. I made the mistake of buying a huge hoard of crafting materials from someone else, and all I've done is sort it into categories (I really liked doing that!). Narrow interests is part of being autistic and it helped me a lot in my career. I would get completely obsessed with whatever I was working on at the time and build up expertise really quickly. 

    I reckon it takes a really long while to repair all those negative messages we've had all our lives from ourselves and other people. It's like I take each memory, look at it a bit differently and then put it away again. I've got loads to sort through, a bit like the crafting materials! 

  • I think I should start by sorting out all the craft materials into catergories, would definately keep me occupied and there is a satisfaction to getting this organised.

    I used to go on pinterest to get ideas but ended up drowning in ideas for projects sadly, too many options

    I hope one day I'll be more decisive and actually start projects instead of just obsessively thinking of them