Hi, I'm a parent of son with Autism

My son has just been diagnosed with Autism. He has communication issues and dyslexia. I'm hoping to speak with  the school senco again today to see if she can give him any help. Any advice would be helpful. He's very bright but finding social communication really difficult. The school has a lovely webpage on all the services they offer for children with special needs, but when I asked previously they said there wasn't a lot they could do as they have so many children to help. I feel really lost, I'm not a pushy person but I don't want to let my child down.

  • Being a pushy person and wanting the best for your child are two different things in my opinion! Unfortunately schools are stretched to breaking point at the moment and I know it's not good enough when it's your child that needs help. Have you talked to the school senco since diagnosis? They may be able to offer more now there is a formal diagnosis. If not check the information pages on this site regarding education rights or call the helpline they may be able to offer specific information about what's available in your area. Personally I would point out that they are advertising these services so they need to provide them but that's just me! 

    Good luck with the school and I hope your son gets the help he deserves 

  • Thanks for your reply I have no one to talk too about it. I'll try my best when speaking to the school again, I just feel a little worn down by it all. 

Reply Children
  • I think it's normal to feel worn down I walk round in a perpetual state of exhaustion, but it is worth it and I wouldn't change it for the world, 

    There are plenty of parents on here that understand and many of them will be able to offer advice as well as the great insight from other community members they have really helped me which in turn helps my daughter as I can understand more. 

    Just remember that you are not alone