Concerned mum

Hi there, I hope I'm posting in the right place. I'm after some advice and to hear from parents of children with ASD about the types of behaviours that first alerted them to the fact their children may have ASD.

I have a 14 month old son and for the last 3 or 4 months I've been noticing things about his behaviour that seemed very different to my daughter when she was growing up. He very rarely makes eye contact with anyone, hates to be cuddled and does not respond to his name (or to any voice at all really) despite passing his hearing test perfectly. He is obsessed with with spinning wheels and staring at lights and will often become completely engrossed in an on/off switch or a screw in the back of a toy. He does not point at things, follow my gaze or give me toys when we're playing. 

However, he is a very happy boy who laughs and smiles quite a lot. He loves to play peekaboo (which is the only thing he will initiate) and he does wave at me and smile and enjoys me singing If You're Happy and You Know It.

People keep saying things to me like "oh he's a slow learner" and "boys are just lazy" but I just have a feeling in my gut that something isn't quite right. I wonder if this sounds like ASD to anyone? Any thoughts or advice would gratefully received.

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