Newbie Desperate for advice

Hi, I am new to this site.

I apologise if I am not doing this in the correct format, but please bear with me. I have a lot to explain and don't know what to do or where to turn too.

My daughter is 20 years old and has been diagnosed with Mixed Anxiety Disorder, Emetophobia and Panic Attacks. She also suffers from Raynaud's disease, joint and hip  problems which resulted in a Hip Block procedure. She also have other stomach issue which are also debilitating and a daily issue. The stomach issue's then have the knock on effect of her being constantly underweight. Until 2009 she was subjected and witnessed to domestic violence which was  physical and mental abuse within the home. From 2009 she was under the care of Children & Adolescence Mental Health Services until she turned 18 when she was referred to Adult Mental Health Team to continue with her recovery. She has been on the waiting list since July 2016; she has had no counselling or therapy since this date.​

She was studying at college for 4 years as a part time student only managing 2 subjects per year. She struggled through these years attending college but had joined the college under the premise that she had an EHCP that had been put into place during her time at secondary school. We were told that the EHCP would remain in place during her education up until she turn's 25 years old. The college provided in class help with numerous LSA's, but she struggled with in class work, working around others, noisy classes, etc. Majority of her work was done at home. The last 2 years she studied A-level Photography in which she gained an A grade. She has still not been able to attain a grade in mathematics due to her discalculia.  During June of this year it came to light that the EHCP had never been correctly transferred from what had been originally known as the "My Plan Statement" to the now known EHCP. The college had never provided the council with the paperwork, the transfer had never happened even though I assume the college would have received financial funding for her education. Because of this massive error made by the college she now has no access to education, I can not financially afford to pay for her to attend college. I have now been advised by the council that as she is out of education she can now not apply for an EHCP.​

The college was her  only contact with people of her own age, she does not have a social life, unable to use public transport and now she has nothing. Her mental and physical health has deteriorated since she finished her college course and barely leaves the house even with me. It's just myself and my daughter at home, my son is at university in his 5th year as a medical student. I have no support network, no family or friends to help us. I was working part time but my hours were in place around her college timetable; I have had no choice but to return to work full time, leaving her to fend for herself at home which is not going well due to her ever increasing anxiety at being left alone for long periods of time.  Due to her turning 20 the benefits I was entitled to have stopped. She  had been entitled to DLA which then changed to PIP. For 2 years we went through hell trying to get PIP as they scored her as not being entitled to this benefit. We eventually went through a tribunal which was the most degrading, stressful and humiliating experience my daughter has ever had to endure but they awarded her the benefit but only for 8 months. After the 8 months we were expected to go through the entire process again. To go through that type of experience I believe would have been the final straw for her with regards to her mental health and my own; how can I put her through all of that again, it was reminiscent of going through my own Crown Court case against my ex-partner.

I have contacted the council in question who subsequently provided me with information about available help, but an EHCP is required.  This entire situation is confusing and so stressful, I just need advice or help as to what steps to take next. I have looked up unemployment benefits, but she has to be actively searching for work and ESA benefit only applies if she's been paying N.I contributions ? She has never had any form of work experience, no CV and the college never did any work with her to prepare her for job interviews, etc.

I feel very alone and afraid for my daughter's future. I have had a lot of health issue's, PTSD and MDD which are just a few to name over the past 10 years. I put a brave face on while at work and act strong around my daughter and my son, but inside I am screaming. I would really appreciate any advice.

  • Welcome to the forum.

    I'm sorry to hear that you and your daughter are in such a rough situation. I've just been through a 2 year PIP appeal myself, so I know just how harrowing that can be!

    I don't know enough about the education system to advise you about that, but I can tell you that ESA does not require NI contributions. There are two types "contribution based" (i.e. NI contributions) and "income based". The only difference if you have NI contributions is that there is no means-test; savings, investments and certain kinds of income are disregarded. Be warned, though, ESA Work Capability Assessments can be every bit as demeaning and unfair as those for PIP, and as with PIP, awards are only for a limited time. If awarded the lesser grade of this benefit, some activities relating to finding work may be still be expected, but much less coercive than for JSA. Check first, though, whether you are in an area where Universal Credit has been introduced, as this will replace ESA (yet another opportunity to stick us all under the microscope again, no doubt.)

  • Welcome to the forum.

    I'm sorry to hear that you and your daughter are in such a rough situation. I've just been through a 2 year PIP appeal myself, so I know just how harrowing that can be!

    I don't know enough about the education system to advise you about that, but I can tell you that ESA does not require NI contributions. There are two types "contribution based" (i.e. NI contributions) and "income based". The only difference if you have NI contributions is that there is no means-test; savings, investments and certain kinds of income are disregarded. Be warned, though, ESA Work Capability Assessments can be every bit as demeaning and unfair as those for PIP, and as with PIP, awards are only for a limited time. If awarded the lesser grade of this benefit, some activities relating to finding work may be still be expected, but much less coercive than for JSA. Check first, though, whether you are in an area where Universal Credit has been introduced, as this will replace ESA (yet another opportunity to stick us all under the microscope again, no doubt.)

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