Sleep advice desperately needed please!

Hi, I’m single Mum to non identical twin boys aged 3.5yrs. Twin 1 was diagnosed as autistic 3 weeks ago. 

From 7 months to 3yrs he has slept 12 hours a night. But now it’s awful. He is wide awake at bedtime and most nights i separate them and put him in small room where he is happy and safe. H eventually sleeps but then wakes most nights and whilst he use to sing or talk he now screams. When I go in he stops immediately and chats! He is doing this as I type and is relentless- he’s been shouting for over an hour with the only gaps when I’ve gone in. 

I work full time as a teacher and term starts this week.any advice would be hugely appreciated. 

They have good bedtime routine (sadly his has been interrupted by a broken arm meaning he can’t bath) which is 6pm TV and mil, 630  bath 645 Stories (he never listens to these) and lights out at 7. 

I know you might redo mmend no TV but he doesn’t ‘play quietly’ so calming tv seems best.

Hopung routine of nursery will help again. 

Any advice or ideas welcome.

thank you! 

Parents Reply
  • Jay- I have a nurse coming to visit me in a few weeks time which is the first step after his diagnosis. I’m going to mention it to her too and keepinga sleep diary. He slept through the night last night so...fingers are crossed for tonight. We used to have a good week followed by a bad week. But past 3 weeks have been bad. 

  • I like that idea. He has his zebra who goes everywhere with him but I like the idea of something he might be able to ‘chat to.’ Thank you 

  • might seem odd but when i was young i had a teddy who i dressed up to look like tom baker in dr who made him a big felt hat coat and my gran knitted a scarf for him i used to talk to him like he was a real person / imaginary friend you say your son stops screaming when you go in the bedroom perhaps a stuffed toy that you can introduce him to or even one of these interactive toys that can answer back and play games etc (budget allowing of course ) might help to distract his attention away from crying out for your attention

  • Bless yah, keep positive luv x