Not coping

Hello everyone. 

My daughter has been diagnosed with ASD, she's four. 

For some reason i thought the older she got it would get easier to cope. But its really not. Everyday is a struggle....

She is very demanding, screams non stop, and doesn't fall to sleep before 2am. Im hoping its the school holidays  and when she's back in school her behaviour will settle down.

Her father and me also don't see eye to eye on how to deal with her. We have a "good cop, bad cop" situation going on. I understand that a lot of her behaviours are because she has autism  but her dad just sees it as her being naughty and constantly tells her off. And it breaks my heart. 

Every bedtime is a battle to get her to chill and try to get some sleep. We both work full time, so we need our sleep. Its really starting to affect our relationship and im just in a mess constantly. I have no social life because im just so tired all the time, i just feel like running away. 

Doing 8 hours shifts on 4 hours sleep is getting hard. 

I love my daughter with all my heart Hearts

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