New here!


I hope all are swell~~

I am not really officially diagnosed, so I feel a bit odd messaging here, however, I was referred by the community mental health team to be assessed further for ASD by the ASD team (I am not too sure where, but I think at Maudsley Hospital for all of you South Londoners here~). Surprisingly the team accepted :) This is a bit of shock as I am under a different mental health team, and technically speaking, I cannot be under more than one team, to my knowledge. They were more than likely to bounce back the referall and accept once I am out of the team I am under now (Eating Disorder clinic).

The community mental health team only specialise in Mood personality and anxiety disorders (didn't have a great time there). They gave me a questionnaire for ASD and said I am autistic, but that is not for them to say. They are not specialists, those who specialise in assessing the disorder can say wether or not I fall under the spectrum. They are not sure on what disorder I have, but I was thought to have borderline personality disorder...then said I have a mixed personality disorder...then said they don't know eh*. But they did say some of my symptoms could be explained by Autism; which makes me all the more curious to know if I fall under the spectrum, and if so, what symptoms I have to differentiate my symptoms being explained by ASD, and a mental health condition(s). They also said my OCD is explained by Autism and my Autism effected my mood much rather than being Bipolar 2, or by BPD as mood swings are associated with that disorder and turns out I do not have it. But then the I'll ramble on. But again I am not diagnosed with Autism. 

I was just wondering how the process would be? Meaning the assessment. I am due to receive a phone call to book an appointment, but the waiting list could take up to two years! And I am expected to follow up on them just in case I get lost in the system (has happened before with other services).

Just a little insight on who I am:

A 19 year old female (sex), but non-binary in gender :)

Thank you for your time...I hope I am doing this right...

*I have received a lot of 'you may have this disorder' from many professionals; Psychotic depression, Schizophrenia, BPD, Cyclomania, Hypomania...and most of them asked if I have a developmental disorder and I said no as during those times I had no idea I may full under the spectrum...long story as to how I had a bit of an inkling I am on the spectrum...

I am rambling on I am sorry, and sorry for being here and not being diagnosed and talking about mental health~~

  • Hi,

    You've come to the right place for rambling Grinning. And there is need to be sorry. For me the forum is for all sorts . People with all sorts of questions around autism and the myriad of spectrum related conditions whether you have one, think you might or just want to find out more .

    The pricepr can be very different dependant on where you are. For me in Suffolk it took over a year from initial appointment to diagnosis but was worth it as i have  learned more about myself and this has helped me to cope and make positive changes in my life. 

    The fact that you are interested in finding out more is a good thing, and you have nothing to lose by moving ahead. You can stop it at any time!

    Stay positive and keep rambling!

  • That is nice to know. Thank you!

    Well done for being patient...must've been a struggle. That applies to everyone else who had to wait a while, or struggled in general.

    I hope I would find the assessment worth it. I fear when I do I would be treated, well, unfairly because of my past experiences, but I will, or try to remain optimistic :)

  • That is nice to know. Thank you!

    Well done for being patient...must've been a struggle. That applies to everyone else who had to wait a while, or struggled in general.

    I hope I would find the assessment worth it. I fear when I do I would be treated, well, unfairly because of my past experiences, but I will, or try to remain optimistic :)

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