Saying hello


My name is Victoria and my Son who is 6 and a half has just been diagnosed formally with being on the Autism spectrum (Mild) The consultant said they don't diagnose Aspergers anymore, but that would be more to what my son has. 

At the moment i don't actually know where to start, we have had this in our minds since he was two, so to get a diagnosis just confirms what we already know. However my son does have his challenges and quirks (that makes us frustrated and exhausted)

My son is very number orientated- he is currently teaching himself about space, periodic table and decimal points. 

  • Hi Flamingo,

    I have a 5 year old son diagnosed with ASC (Autistic spectrum condition). He loves numbers and letters, and can read well above his age and count amazingly as well. He is also obsessed by American Diesel Freight Trains (Slightly inconvenient as we are in the UK, but never mind). It can be exhausting, as we have 2 other children, and I am also diagnosed ASC,

    Happy to answer any questions and share experiences if you need!

    There are also lots of people here that can help / empathise with you, so dont worry about asking the wrong question, as there will always be someone who understands!

  • Wow- thats quite a specific subject! How did he get into that? 

  • Youtube kids :) He has a small tablet which I set up all the parental settings so he can only watch ok things, and he found trains and then got really into them. He now has a train simulator app which I researched and downloaded, and I managed to get him a hat from America in one of the train companies which he wears all the time. he also talks about them constantly and knows all the train numbers. I have taken him to som emodel train shows which he likes, and its nice for me to spend time with him at

  • Youtube kids :) He has a small tablet which I set up all the parental settings so he can only watch ok things, and he found trains and then got really into them. He now has a train simulator app which I researched and downloaded, and I managed to get him a hat from America in one of the train companies which he wears all the time. he also talks about them constantly and knows all the train numbers. I have taken him to som emodel train shows which he likes, and its nice for me to spend time with him at

  • We do a lot of things science / space orientated - and he has a space themed hat that i got from ASDA. 

    We have found his kindle fire a great source of education for him (even the games he plays are educational- his choice!!) we downloaded 'sandbox 2' which is a program where you can create your own planets and solar system. 

    Everyday he amazes me!