First Post - Autismland Introduction

If you're bored right now, think about it. We always complain about how bad the others treat us. Maybe having our own country, our own rules and an education system will make a difference in our lives.
Autismland is a royalist democratic party in World Aspergers' Organization.
Autismland is a member of the World Aspergers' Organization and the World Aspergers' Organization's Royalist International.
[ Programs ]
  • Welfarism.
  • Backing up the Descendants of Hans I (Dr. Johann "Hans" Friedrich Karl Asperger) to the throne.
Positive aspects will be:
  • Royalism.
  • Reformism. Building onto the British know-how and institutes.
  • A Western welfarist monarchy modelled after Great Britain.
[ Symbolism ]
  • The infinity mark symbolizes the sovereign Autist state.
  • Royal colours, the dark red and gold symbolizes the Royalism.
  • The Anglican Bible verse quotes a part of Malachi 3:10 from King James Bible, as a symbol of the welfarirm and the British model.
[ External links ]
  • Is this serious??

    Not keen on autistic separatism. I'm a citizen of the universe.

  • Hi Cassandro the citizen of the Universe.

    1) I am not a separatist, but a sovereignist.

    2) I am citizen of Japan!

  • Writing as a citizen of the universe, can I change the subject to my trouble getting the idea of 'countries', or rather 'nation states'? I can understand a reference to a big patch of countryside, and I can also parse words like 'Britain' or 'EU' from sentences, just as I can read and manipulate 'unicorn' or 'boggart'. But, and it may be my alexithymia, I don't understand why people talk about things like that so much; if they weren't talked about it seems there wouldn't be anything to talk about.. I just can't care about unreal things or take them seriously.

    The same with 'sovereignty' or 'monarchy'. It reminds me a of a bit from early on in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:

    This planet has - or rather had - a problem, which was this: most of the people living on it were unhappy for pretty much of the time. Many solutions were suggested for this problem, but most of these were largely concerned with the movement of small green pieces of paper, which was odd because on the whole it wasn't the small green pieces of paper that were unhappy.

    I also notice it during the World Cup. Does anyone else get this?

    (Edit: John Lennon sang 'Imagine there's no countries / It isn't hard to do'. It used to strike me as an understatement: it doesn't take an imagination at all. It's imagining there are which is hard.)

  • >unreal

    To discuss about the substantiality of the State, I think we must talk about the necessary condition of a State-sovereignity.
    In my opinion, Sovereignty is the Presence and the Function of the System and Process of 國家主權 (The State Sovereignty) or 國權(The Sovereign Rights of the State).

    For example, if you initiate a Protection Act of Unicorns in the Kohchi's parliament of Autismland & if it passes & if the policy of unicorn protection is implemented in Kohchi, financed by the taxes you paied as the subject of the Kingdom of Autismland,
    then we can say

    >the idea of 'countries', or rather 'nation states'
    >'sovereignty' or 'monarchy'

    of Autismland is


    in Kohchi. and if not, it is


    In other words, the reality of the sovereign state is the "working control".

  • >unreal

    To discuss about the substantiality of the State, I think we must talk about the necessary condition of a State-sovereignity.
    In my opinion, Sovereignty is the Presence and the Function of the System and Process of 國家主權 (The State Sovereignty) or 國權(The Sovereign Rights of the State).

    For example, if you initiate a Protection Act of Unicorns in the Kohchi's parliament of Autismland & if it passes & if the policy of unicorn protection is implemented in Kohchi, financed by the taxes you paied as the subject of the Kingdom of Autismland,
    then we can say

    >the idea of 'countries', or rather 'nation states'
    >'sovereignty' or 'monarchy'

    of Autismland is


    in Kohchi. and if not, it is


    In other words, the reality of the sovereign state is the "working control".

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