Hi all I’m new here and don’t know what to do next. Last year I decided to ask for professional help with my daughters behaviour as I was worried and struggling with her meltdowns. She has major meltdowns over clothes, this has become more of a problem as she started school last September and has to wear a strict uniform. My gp refered us to cahms and the outcome from them has been to refer her to community paediatric as they suspect neurological or autism. So the gp referred her but it has been refused on the grounds of her being ok at school and learning inline with her Peers. My issue now is she seems to be able to contain herself at school but when she gets home she explodes and her meltdowns can last hours, I don’t know what to do anymore as she is getting worse and more angry. It’s so hard to watch and nothing I do or say helps her.
any advice would be much appreciated thank you in Advance