Marriage difficulties - help!

Hi all,

 I am married to a lovely man who is (non officially diagnosed) High Functioning autistic. This came about 3 to 4 years into our marriage when we attended counselling for problems we were hitting and although he will not go and get diagnosed he is acceptant. I learnt to understand and adapt , dare I say compromise my needs for his. However we have really hit a bad patch and I'm so worn out through the constant 'take' and no give. He's also suffering from ED (and won't go to the doctor - too embarrassed) which has had a massive impact on us too.  He' behaviour is so childlike - sulky, stroppy, unhelpful ... but I know he thinks the world of me.  I feel like I'm holding onto our relationship by a thread. I love him so much but its so stressful. I have asked for a kiss and a hug every morning and evening but you would have though I'd asked for moon! I suppose the next stage is counselling - any recommendations? He won't go back to RELATE as they were the ones who 'diagnoses' him in our counselling session which didn't help !

Willing to do anything but the strain and loneliness is really sad.


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