Another New Person - Hi!

Hi everyone. I'm a new member - my 3.5 yo daughter was diagnosed with autism in November. I live with her, my husband / her dad, and our cat. We haven't yet received any actual support / services since the diagnosis - in fact, we haven't had the diagnosis in writing yet.

It's been a pretty rough year; I went back to work in March, she started daycare, everything was quite hectic. She has a speech delay (and has had therapy for over a year now) and this summer was the perfect culmination of her being too big and too toddler to be forced, and not able to communicate what she wanted. Throw in the extra stress of work / daycare / etc and it was all a bit much.

I'm pleased to say she's made excellent progress since then, we've all got ourselves into a workable routine, and things are a lot better. But there's still room for improvement - neither of us have family nearby, nor close friends who are experienced enough with kids / autism to manage her alone for any length of time, so we really have no breaks from parenting other than the odd hour at the end of each day when she's in bed.

We're also at that time where we're looking at schools; as she's been diagnosed so recently she doesn't have an EHCP yet, so we're sort of in limbo as to whether we can apply for special placements or not. We have a plan for navigating that, but it's all a bit stressful.

The good news is that my work is wonderfully understanding and supportive, so that's one less thing to worry about!

  • Hi! My little girl turns 3 next week and she does not have a diagnosis of ASD but she shows many traits. Her speech is also delayed and she has her first appointment in January. We are still waiting for an appointment with the paediatrician so hopefully that will happen soon. My brother has Aspergers and I find that some traits that he has are the same as my little girl but she also shows totally different traits than what he has too so she is real teaching us a lot. She will start school in April (rising threes) but no idea how that will work as at the moment she will need 1:1 and I don’t know where to start with that so hopefully will speak to the school before April. I am really hoping that her speech therapy appointments help her xx