Newbie- daughter 3 may have ASD

Hi everyone!! 

My little girl will be 3 in Jan and I think there has always been something different about her.when she was two her nursery alerted us to the fact that she didn’t give any eye contact and didn’t answer to her name. She had an audiology appointment and it was deemed inconclusive so they recommended that we get the health visitor to do a SOGS test which then recommended that she be referred to ISCAN-integrated services for children with additional needs. They have decided that my little girl is to be referred to speech and language and the paediatrician as well as play therapy. 

My point is is that I really am sure that my LG has ASD. She has learned a vast amount of language from Peppa Pig Slight smile but has no conversational speech. She is very restricted in her interests and at the moment she likes to move cards from one place to another. She doesn’t make much eye contact but will, with me and her dad sometimes and loves when I sing nursery rhymes to her. She’s knows them all. She is not yet toilet trained and is showing no signs yet. I think she is also quite hyposensitve and seeks different textures to chew on and bite. Sorry for the long post but it does feel good to get it all down. What I am asking is will her autistic traits change as she gets older!? Is it likely she will have any conversational speech!? Should I tell people that she has special needs or that I think she has autism. I don’t want to tell people this if of course she is yet to be diagnosed and I do understand that this diagnosis (if any) may not happen for a long time. My brother has ASD and his traits are so different to my little girls so I am learning as I go along.

Thanks for reading... xxxx 

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