Another Newbie...


Like so many others, I have long lived with this affliction without realising that I was a sufferer. I'm 45 and since I was a toddler, I have shown many a behavioral trait associated with Aspergers. I had a traumatic childhood which led to me having to become independent at an early age. Since then, I have had several relationships that ended badly and being told that I need help. In the end, I consulted my GP who said I was manic depressive with anger issues. For a very long time, I have been on many different anti-depressants, all of which have barely helped, other than to mask my true feelings from others. Around four years ago, it was suggested that I may have deeper psychological issues and that I should seek counselling. This is something that I intend to do but I keep putting it off. It was around this time that I looked online for help and advice and I briefly entertained the idea that I may have Aspergers. I show so many traits, but I thought it may just be coincidence. Fast forward to now, and recent events in my life have made me question this possibility again. I read an article that was directed at adults who want to learn more about Asperger. There were many things that were covered that I can relate to, which I can elaborate on later if I get any replies and the time to do so. I took the online test that has been recommended on this site and I scored 41. I answered as honestly as I could. It's weird self-analysing oneself. I am wondering whether I should try to seek a diagnosis, just to confirm what I already know, or if that is a waste of time. Any advice would be most welcome.

I am currently experiencing a huge upheaval in my life, I've started a new job that I don't feel I'm suited to, my marriage is on the rocks and my father passed away recently. I also have a stressful claim against my former employer where I sustained an injury from an accident that wasn't my fault.

Anyway, thanks for reading.



  • Hi NAS35320,

    If you telephone (at any time) the NAS (National Autistic Society) helpline: 0808 800 4104 and select option 4, and ask for an Adult Asperger's Information Pack, and leave your name and address, it should arrive in a few weeks, and help you suss out the diagnosis business.


  • Hi NAS35320,

    If you telephone (at any time) the NAS (National Autistic Society) helpline: 0808 800 4104 and select option 4, and ask for an Adult Asperger's Information Pack, and leave your name and address, it should arrive in a few weeks, and help you suss out the diagnosis business.

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