If you have a diagnosis for more than one health condition/disability/learning disabilities.. How do they interact and how do you manage?

In the end I'm just me. But I have what seems a long list of issues and I keep wondering which bits are for what diagnosis and how to deal with them. Or do I just  accept everything as a whole.. If you have multiple health issues or multiple diversity how do you manage? 

  • I have autism, fibromyalgia, anorexia and osteoporosis...and I'm only 27. It's difficult some days to get up any enthusiasm, but I manage by taking one step at a time and trying to live within my own limits, rather than comparing myself to what 'normal' people my age can do. It helps to have a general plan too...get into a medication/eating/day routine. Forums where you can talk to people who have the same issues can help at times. It's all about living the best life YOU can. Work on what you can do, rather than dwelling on what you can't.

  • That is a very practical reply and can see that you have to do lots of managing life to accommodate what you have.  I don't have anorexia ( compulsive and binge eating instead) but I do have all the other things. However Planning and following through and routines  are a nightmare which fits in with the adhd/post menopause side of things. 

    I might try a fibromyalgia/cfs forum as this has given me confidence to maybe try one... 

  • That is a very practical reply and can see that you have to do lots of managing life to accommodate what you have.  I don't have anorexia ( compulsive and binge eating instead) but I do have all the other things. However Planning and following through and routines  are a nightmare which fits in with the adhd/post menopause side of things. 

    I might try a fibromyalgia/cfs forum as this has given me confidence to maybe try one... 

  • I spent a year going to the pain management course through the hospital. It was very good but I was still working at the time and tho I got a lot out of the course and help afterwards ( OT & psych cbt) I couldn't manage to keep up with it at home. Going through the file & info is on my will do when I can list. But I still try to pace myself in a basic way. Thanks Rainboweyes. 

  • I always think that anything that may help is worth a try. If it doesn't work for you, then at least you've given it a go. There are also things called pain clinics, where a team work together (usually occupational therapists, physiotherapists etc) to help you improve your quality of life. Your doctor can refer you one of these, so definitely I'd ask! There are also fibromyalgia support groups out there where you can meet other people with fibro and the group leader can suggest ways to manage symptoms.

    Good luck!