Autism Advisory Service Hertfordshire

I don't feel Hertfordshire Autism Advisory Service (and is employed by the education authority and visits schools to provide advice on how best to meet children's needs in school) is all that good and it would be interesting to see if other people in Hertfordshire feel the same way. The support has been thin to say the least. They have advised not to go for a Statement and also Ed Psych meeting. It just seems odd. If you don't test for what you have, how do you move forward? The County are just brainwashed into saving money all the time.

G's needs have not been assessed recently and I also feel unsure about the help he needs that is why I feel he needs to be assessed by an Ed Psych. I now feel I have to justify this but don't have any really good answers yet apart from I need him tested. - I will justify it in the end with all the info on the chat community. It will just take time to trawl through all the posts.

I feel like a full-time researcher!


  • JoLiz said:

    Hi. Just read your post re your son and can completaly relate to your struggles and agree with what you stated...

    I have 3 adult sons 2 have an ASD; and have battled and researched for over 30 years now to approppriate recoginsion and support of thier needs.

    Both had SEN from primary entry, however the education system failed to recognise their Autism and in turn this led to both not having the education they needed and were entitiled to or to learn and develop statergies for their social and communicaton difficulties. Which is crutial for all life stages.

    My eldest was diagnosed at age 19; following 3 years at a residentiol college where his house mother had an Autistic sister. My youngest at 26, following the start of seizures!

    It has been a very traumatic and painful journey due to the lack of understanding by education, health and social services. Having a disastrous impact on family life and often leaving me at breaking point from keep having to explain what Autism is and how it effects my sons in the efforts to enable recogniton and support of their needs. Which they are entitled to. My middle son's needs were not recognied either of the impact of having 2 brothers on the spectrum. Which he was entitled to.

    If you read this please let me know on your son's progress? I would also be interested in other parents experiences. And can expand on where we are now.

  • JoLiz said:

    Hi. Just read your post re your son and can completaly relate to your struggles and agree with what you stated...

    I have 3 adult sons 2 have an ASD; and have battled and researched for over 30 years now to approppriate recoginsion and support of thier needs.

    Both had SEN from primary entry, however the education system failed to recognise their Autism and in turn this led to both not having the education they needed and were entitiled to or to learn and develop statergies for their social and communicaton difficulties. Which is crutial for all life stages.

    My eldest was diagnosed at age 19; following 3 years at a residentiol college where his house mother had an Autistic sister. My youngest at 26, following the start of seizures!

    It has been a very traumatic and painful journey due to the lack of understanding by education, health and social services. Having a disastrous impact on family life and often leaving me at breaking point from keep having to explain what Autism is and how it effects my sons in the efforts to enable recogniton and support of their needs. Which they are entitled to. My middle son's needs were not recognied either of the impact of having 2 brothers on the spectrum. Which he was entitled to.

    If you read this please let me know on your son's progress? I would also be interested in other parents experiences. And can expand on where we are now.

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