Adult Diagnosis - Embarressed

Hi. I'am a 29 year old male, I think im on the AS somewere but undiagnossed. I got diagnossed with dyslexia at age 24. I feel down about it tbh, I just cant doo other humans or small talk or backstabbing in the workplace. I get incredibly frustrated at work and Im always fearfull I let what I think of people out as in the past I called someone a corrupt c**t and got sacked. I think Im really tolerant but when someone winds me up I just cant bite my tongue. I feel  quite misanthropic in outlook basically.

In my opinion im of average intelligence. I've been completely addicted to listening to music since I was about 12. I literally own thousands of records and when I was younger I seriously couldnt concentrate on anything other than whatever song I was addicted too. At one point I was a apprentice engineer but just couldnt concentrate on anything other than music, I got through my apprenticeship but couldnt stand the working envirmonment. However I cant play an instrument as I cant really keep it co-ordinated.

I feel as though im always the last one to understand a joke. My repsonses to stimuli are really poor (slow). I feel that I cant express myself at all. I cant write emotion messages on cards, participate in drama. I cant have a phonecall in the respect that I cant gauge when to come in.

I have a 2.1 BSc (hons) degree in music tech (engineering side) which in my final year I drove 85miles each way everyday to attend. Which I think represents me, complete commitment if Im into something, but doing it alone. The 85 mile drive was ace as I didnt have to small talk. I can completly amuse myself and hate new social situations

The only person I can look in the eyes of is my partner of 12 years. I hate it when people at work try to get eyecontact.

So after that massively long blurb........................................Does any one behave similar? I feel embarressed about going to see the GP, I dont like the whole why do you want I diagnosis thing. It  would make me feel like an attention seeker. Has anyone been through this kind of thing?


  • Longman; The banter is usually friendly and I understand it, just takes an age for me to process it. What you are saying makes sense in line with my dyslexia. I feels a bit like being tongue tied but mentally. Actually I do get tongue tied aswell. My mum reckons I had a speach problems as a child were the professionals claimed my mind though faster than I could respond, personally I think its more likely the opposite.

    I probably should expand on the musical obsession, Im extract information such as year of release, record label etc. I work in a music dept and even the people there think It the way I remember discographical information as a bit unusual.

    Im going to go to the GP's in the next few weeks. Ive got a bit on at the moment, were getting a boiler fitted, tyne-wear derby, dads birthday and a trip away. Hopefully mid march at latest.

    Im going to have a good glance over the full website. I'll probably purchase some books at a later date. I've got a massive stack im trying to get through from xmas and im not the fastest.

    David: thanks for sharing. Id imagine you have seen a big change in proffesional school of thought.

  • Longman; The banter is usually friendly and I understand it, just takes an age for me to process it. What you are saying makes sense in line with my dyslexia. I feels a bit like being tongue tied but mentally. Actually I do get tongue tied aswell. My mum reckons I had a speach problems as a child were the professionals claimed my mind though faster than I could respond, personally I think its more likely the opposite.

    I probably should expand on the musical obsession, Im extract information such as year of release, record label etc. I work in a music dept and even the people there think It the way I remember discographical information as a bit unusual.

    Im going to go to the GP's in the next few weeks. Ive got a bit on at the moment, were getting a boiler fitted, tyne-wear derby, dads birthday and a trip away. Hopefully mid march at latest.

    Im going to have a good glance over the full website. I'll probably purchase some books at a later date. I've got a massive stack im trying to get through from xmas and im not the fastest.

    David: thanks for sharing. Id imagine you have seen a big change in proffesional school of thought.

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