Can anyone help? Please

my gp referred me to my local place for assessment and they just wrote back that they won't even see me to assess me. 

My gp is amazing. Her daughter has autism and thinks I need an assessment even if it's just to rule out autism or a autistic spectrum disorder. But there's ongoing issues with my mental health team. I was really hanging on for the assessment but dunno what to do now. Is there anywhere I can get any advice? I've tried looking on the site but I can't handle all the reading etc. Just wondered of there is anywhere in Bristol other than the awp place that said they won't even assess me that I could get advice about if I can demand an assessment? It isn't just me my gp agrees also but because my mental health stuff I wana talk to someone to see if they think rather than borderline personality disorder it could be autism because I was female when diagnosed with BPD and I know it can be misdiagnosed in female as BPD also. But my mental health team aye disgusting and even though I've been diagnosed with adhd and now because of that they've refused me 1-1 support because I can't do the group session of my therapy are saying I chase diagnosis? (even though I've proved I have adhd by getting referred and diagnosed) so they're going to say the same about autism but I really don't feel like BPD diagnosis fits and my mum tried to get me help when younger but was told I was fine. 

I'm 26 now and I'm transgender so male but was born female so that's why I said about being female when diagnosed with BPD. I honestly can't keep fighting all these people and myself. I'm not normal or right and it's affecting everything in my life but no one other than my gp wants to help.

I'm so tired of being tired and fighting and now I just feel like I'm making it all up by my mental health team. They haven't seen me for over a year and yet are telling me this that and the other. 

Autism and adhd have ALWAYS been in the background in my life and I have my diagnosis of adhd but can't even get an assessment for autism. I was support worker before I got too ill to work and there was a service user with autism and other stuff and I would literally dispise her because she would put stuff different to how I needed it etc this is the only reason but theres just so much. My mum looked at all information I sent from this site and said I was very much like the pda and aspergers traits as a kid and growing up and I did the test from the site and I scored like 45 I think. My gp said I definitely have high autistic traits. Even stuff like numbers and number plates and lights being too bright and sounds driving me into a rage. But I can't even get assessed unless I can afford to go private which I can't. 

I'm not saying I'm going to kill myself or anything but it's so hard battling people that are meant to help you and I'm terrified because i really don't fit BPD or the therapy for it but they just think I'm finding the therapy hard because it's bringing up emotions but I don't I don't find it helpful!

I really need to speak to someone and explain proper for advice for I duno where or who.

Oh and my adhd nuse practically laughed and said I haven't got autism cos I could have a conversation with her. I told her it's cos I can swim or move about and tap and walk and I don't give a toss what she thinks so I feel less challenged to speak to her. 

I duno sorry for rant

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