Autistic...or just odd?

Hi everyone,

I'm in my mid twenties and finding things harder than ever. I really struggle with social skills and although I've always been told I'm "just shy" I've always known something is not right. Despite having outgrown the awkward teenage years I still find it incredibly difficult and confusing holding a conversation with pretty much everyone apart from very close family, even some friends I've known for years. 

I've never been like other people, with strong interests and beliefs, not understanding or agreeing with social norms but recently become more aware of just how odd I am (must look for patterns in reg numbers, must always have car windows open even in January! etc...). I think I might be autistic but I'm terrified of going for a diagnosis to be laughed at and told l am just shy and a bit strange. I work with autistic people and although realise it's a spectrum disorder, I am nowhere near as affected as them. I think I probably come across as a little eccentric, lacking in self confidence and very shy.

I am really struggling with self confidence and self doubt and think a diagnosis would probably pull me out of the hole I've dug for myself; but am I just socially awkward, unusual, and looking for something to take the blame?

I guess I'm asking how autistic do you need to appear to get a diagnosis??!

  • That is cool. Does he have any interesting stories to tell? Maths is an interesting subject. I find it gets more interesting/fun when you make a mathematical model of something that actually mimics the behaviour of the real life object, eg. a car engine. I can highly recommend chemistry and physics, both are extremely interesting (there are large overlaps between the two).

    Do you find it sometimes takes a long time to think of a reply? It took me 35 minutes to think of the above response, haha!

    lostmyway said:

    It does get on my nerves that I stay in so much because although I'm not very sociable, I do get quite bored at times but there seems to be something preventing me going out and mixing with people. I think I would find it pretty overwhelming and although I might be ok for a while would get fed up and want to come back home. I don't feel a great need for socialising and generally prefer living in my own world via tv, books, the net, radio etc. How sad is that?

    Haha, I am afraid you are asking the wrong person on that front. I am pretty well the same. I seem to get enough socialisation from the few people I talk to daily, as I don't go seeking any additional interaction with others.

    If you don't mind me asking, what does it feel like? Also, what qualifies as an issue? I'm not sure I have a sensory issues particularly. The closest I may get is I got mesmerised by a laser speckle pattern one time. I then had the worst migraine I have ever experienced. My tongue and left arm were tingling I had a massive headache, my right eye felt like it might pop and I was vomiting. When outside I walk round squinting all the time (have done as far as I can remember). It doesn't cause me any distress, other than the odd headache maybe. Is it possible to have Autism without sensory issues?

    Should I just pluck up the courage and go to the GP for a referral? For some reason I still feel fraudulent.

  • That is cool. Does he have any interesting stories to tell? Maths is an interesting subject. I find it gets more interesting/fun when you make a mathematical model of something that actually mimics the behaviour of the real life object, eg. a car engine. I can highly recommend chemistry and physics, both are extremely interesting (there are large overlaps between the two).

    Do you find it sometimes takes a long time to think of a reply? It took me 35 minutes to think of the above response, haha!

    lostmyway said:

    It does get on my nerves that I stay in so much because although I'm not very sociable, I do get quite bored at times but there seems to be something preventing me going out and mixing with people. I think I would find it pretty overwhelming and although I might be ok for a while would get fed up and want to come back home. I don't feel a great need for socialising and generally prefer living in my own world via tv, books, the net, radio etc. How sad is that?

    Haha, I am afraid you are asking the wrong person on that front. I am pretty well the same. I seem to get enough socialisation from the few people I talk to daily, as I don't go seeking any additional interaction with others.

    If you don't mind me asking, what does it feel like? Also, what qualifies as an issue? I'm not sure I have a sensory issues particularly. The closest I may get is I got mesmerised by a laser speckle pattern one time. I then had the worst migraine I have ever experienced. My tongue and left arm were tingling I had a massive headache, my right eye felt like it might pop and I was vomiting. When outside I walk round squinting all the time (have done as far as I can remember). It doesn't cause me any distress, other than the odd headache maybe. Is it possible to have Autism without sensory issues?

    Should I just pluck up the courage and go to the GP for a referral? For some reason I still feel fraudulent.

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