over sensitve to heat in the summer.

I have a real problem in the summer when I am at work, I get so hot that I go dizzy, my eyes play up, they go all starry it happens any time during the day, I drink correctly and my blood pressure is ok. I asked work if i could wear shorts but they said no.

is this part of the hyper sensitvity part of aspergers.




  • I can't stand the heat, although for some reason my intolerance has increased with age.  Heat makes me tired. I much prefer cool, cloudy days. And I don't like having bare arms/legs. I prefer to be covered up as I feel more protected this way. And bright sunlight makes me feel irritated. I usually stay inside on sunny days. I don't think this is part of my AS though, it is just part of me. Many people don't like the heat, including neuro-typicals, but maybe some people on the spectrum are affected in a more extreme way

  • I can't stand the heat, although for some reason my intolerance has increased with age.  Heat makes me tired. I much prefer cool, cloudy days. And I don't like having bare arms/legs. I prefer to be covered up as I feel more protected this way. And bright sunlight makes me feel irritated. I usually stay inside on sunny days. I don't think this is part of my AS though, it is just part of me. Many people don't like the heat, including neuro-typicals, but maybe some people on the spectrum are affected in a more extreme way

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