

We are trying to make the decision medicate fully, partly, ad-hoc or not at all.

Our son has ASD with very likely ADHD although not officially diagnosed.  He has significant problems with concentration, impulsive behaviour, distraction,hyperactivity which inevitably makes safety difficult, especially in new surroundings on holiday etc and means we just don't do a lot of things which the whole family could enjoy and things he would love to do himself.  I anticipate only 50 - 60% of his ability is accessed at school due to concentration probelms.

Our paedatrician has suggested Ritalin and states it is safe and has been proved to be for the last 50 odd years.  She has suggested we try it on a trial and low dose. I have heard the odd snippet of info. that is controversial on Ritalin and wondered if anyone has any experience they could share.  Side effects, long term, did it affect them later in life, are they still on it years later or did it help them learn strategies to cope with life?  So many questions in my head.

It feels such a big responsbility making this decision.  We want him to have the best quality of life and educational opportunity he can but do not want to put him at greater risk of potentially more sinister impacts.  

Any help appreciated.




  • Thanks Mum25 and tandemum.  This is really helpful.

    Mum25, do you think your older son found a beneficial effect in the long term in respect of life skills, his education, friendships etc? rather than just being calmer generally.  Do you think he is in a stronger position now due to taking Ritalin or it was just beneficial at the actual time he took it?

    Sorry for all the questions.  It is such a responsibility and we want to learn from others experiences. 

    Thank you so much for sharing your experience so candidly.


  • Thanks Mum25 and tandemum.  This is really helpful.

    Mum25, do you think your older son found a beneficial effect in the long term in respect of life skills, his education, friendships etc? rather than just being calmer generally.  Do you think he is in a stronger position now due to taking Ritalin or it was just beneficial at the actual time he took it?

    Sorry for all the questions.  It is such a responsibility and we want to learn from others experiences. 

    Thank you so much for sharing your experience so candidly.


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