A quick question..


So the other day I was speaking with my mum about my Aspergers' and she said to me that she thinks that when I was about 1 or 2 I had the MMR and said that after I had it I started behaving differently. Apparently I presented symptoms of ADHD, which is strange because I have Aspergers' now! But, yeah she said she thinks the jab caused AS and not just mine loads of people and told me the only reason the Government denied it is because they would have to pay out large sums of compensation.

What do people think about this?

  • No. I dont think this is the proper place to discuss the mechanics of genetic trait transmition as its quite complicated but trait transmition chance is 100% only when all four of the parental genes are for the trait...and that assumes a trait is governed by only one gene pair.

    Issues of gene dominance only further complicate the matter.

  • No. I dont think this is the proper place to discuss the mechanics of genetic trait transmition as its quite complicated but trait transmition chance is 100% only when all four of the parental genes are for the trait...and that assumes a trait is governed by only one gene pair.

    Issues of gene dominance only further complicate the matter.

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