Low salicylate diet AKA Feingold diet

Has anyone else tried this type of diet? I came across it at the food intolerance website at fedup.com.au.

i was aware, before i got the ASD diagnosis, that some foods, e.g. baby plum tomatoes reacted with my mouth and that i did not "like" some foods like tomato soup. I seem to get severe stomach ache from cider -i had thought that this was from bad cider but i think it might be the apples i'm reacting to.

When i got the diagnosis i investigated all sorts of things and came across the fedup site and wondered if this was affecting me. i've also see the Feingold diet which looks quite similar in that salicylates are one of the food groups that it tells you to avoid.

I've been following the fedup diet by avoiding most fruit and particularly tomatoes and have been feeling much better - my digestion is much more comfortable, less cramps and discomfort. since i got the dx at the same time that i started this diet i can't really tell whether the diet has helped the ASD since i know that the understanding, following the dx, has been a major factor in reducing my stress levels.

has anyone else tried this and what are your experiences? I've seen lots of references to fussy eating and wondered whether some of this fussiness was like my dislike for some foods. Does anyone think that they can tell the difference in mood or mental state depending on the food you eat?

  • I've not heard of the diet but have recently been giving my daughter pro-biotics to help her stomach digestion/IBS.  They are working with her IBS but I've also noticed she's been a lot more outgoing and confident than normal, even walking into town with a friend several times in the past week - something she hasn't been able to do for a year.  It may just be coincidence but we will keep up the pro-biotics.  Good luck with the diet.

  • I've not heard of the diet but have recently been giving my daughter pro-biotics to help her stomach digestion/IBS.  They are working with her IBS but I've also noticed she's been a lot more outgoing and confident than normal, even walking into town with a friend several times in the past week - something she hasn't been able to do for a year.  It may just be coincidence but we will keep up the pro-biotics.  Good luck with the diet.

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